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Domo (DayZ)

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About Domo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hey, im currently looking for UK players to play with. I'm 17 and often play with 2 others. If your interested PM me, we all use skype and have steam :)
  2. Okay so im kind of new to arma II altogether and was just wondering is there anyway to have more than one online account? I want to know this because both me and my brother play DayZ but even if we sign in with a different profile in arma II we still have the same account for dayZ (just different name) and so meaning we have to share the account. This is extremely annoying because my brother doesn't really understand how to play DayZ properly and instead just runs around shooting any people/zombies he sees. This then leads to me loosing all my stuff because he would eventually die. :( So I was just wondering if it is at all possible to have two or more accounts for DayZ, Thanks.