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About dan_ep82

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  1. dan_ep82

    Player activated environment sounds

    I think the one thing missing is howling wind,especially at night or during a storm. IMO it gives the sense of being alone,and during a storm,cold. Then you could add slamming doors and windows to interiors if possible. It would add to the suspense aswell when your running cross country at night,not able to see much wit the rain and your hearing significantly effected,not knowing if your about to run across a group of people or a horde of zombies
  2. dan_ep82

    bought a new pc and now this (fps)

    Its the game itself. I'm running it on an SSD,6870 CF,1090T @4GHZ and 4GB ram and get that choppy/stutter sensation alot and FPS drop to 3-10. There seems to be only so much you can do and yet it still struggles.
  3. dan_ep82

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Awesome sauce
  4. dan_ep82

    Trading NVG for nice weapons.

    NV Goggles are worth at least a CCO just for future reference. I'd give my m249 for a pair
  5. YES As a bandit with low humanity,how about manic giggling,talking to your self etc( in the same way when your hurt you scream in pain) which can also alert zombies and other players. It means you can tell a bandit close up and the bandit himself has a hard time sneaking around players and zombies. The pro's for the bandit is easy loot,as always.
  6. YES Simply something has to be implemented. But will this not cause bandits to shoot first from a distance. If you made close interactions more important/necessary (other than blood bag transfusion) it could work very well.
  7. dan_ep82

    Add a camera as gear.

    As above The idea being it has a set number of pictures that can be taken and viewed on the camera. You can take photo's of camps,stalking,mass killings or just your journeys So if you stumble across a survivor you can see what they got up to. Or my first idea,leave the camera in the door of a building showing a picture of a sniper looking directly into the building door with a dead body and a camera. BANG lol
  8. dan_ep82

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Great progress :) I follow your post's,its easier than scanning this thread and noticed since you returned from E3 you had 6 days and a few hours on the forum,your already up to 1 week 11 hours. Fair play :)
  9. Two sided. YES If you replaced the gun with a compass it would benefit beginners more. More immersion. NO Bandit heaven. Very hard to loot without a weapon.
  10. Date/Time: 24th/5/2012 9pm'ish I think What happened: Tried hooking up with team mates and they were unable to see me. Dont think other players could either Where you were: Kamenka and later in NW airfield What you were doing: exploring etc *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Boards.ie *Your system specs: N/A *Timeline of events before/after error: Just spawned on beach west of kamenka. Trek'd to NW airfield. Hasn't happened since.
  11. dan_ep82

    Setting up camp

    I can't seem to place a tent,a few of us are trying to set a camp up. Is there a certain area or way to do it so it wont give the "not flat etc" error?