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Everything posted by me@zabn.me

  1. me@zabn.me


  2. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    Anyway I have to go to sleep because I have a life so talk to you morons tommorow if I feel like wasting the time k
  3. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    And I also never said that I didn't have any
  4. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    You and your group realise that no one gives a shit about your hacker group right?
  5. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    in fact I will refund you all your money now so you guys can go and buys some more hack subscriptions
  6. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    Butt-hurt hackers plus if anyone wants to sus us out go here http://balotabuddies.com and could we please have these false accusations taken to the graveyard please
  7. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    By the way for everyones info, 9 minutes before the start of that video the majority of them were fresh spawns according to the database
  8. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    Plus we have been up for about 4 Months now and do you see any other complaints on this forum, no and we have a very large player base
  9. me@zabn.me

    BalotaBuddies Admin Abuse, Theft

    Most of that video does not even make sense
  10. me@zabn.me

    Rcon tools for IPAD

    No, no there isn't
  11. me@zabn.me

    Need a skilled server admin. Apply here

    If someone is a skilled server admin the. They would to busy with their own server and would not apply here... So anyone who applys is probably not skilled at all...
  12. me@zabn.me

    Admin in its own server using Cheats

    Google translate maybe??? Edu
  13. If a building or domed tents are there after a server restart I would doubt it would be a hacker that spawned them in, instead I would contact an admin because it is most likely the admins modifying the map for dayz
  14. me@zabn.me

    [Paying] Need Help Rcon

    Are you changing the password in the BEServer.cfg while the server is running and also do you have a directory named something like dayz_1.chernarus or something similar like that
  15. me@zabn.me


    You will need to modify the server side battleye config go to your battleye directory and you will find a BEServer.cfg and in that there will be a password set change this password to whatever you want. remember that the server should be offline while doing this.
  16. me@zabn.me

    [VIDEO] Message to Clan BB and CTC from The Rat Pack

    Also, why are you threatening us?
  17. me@zabn.me

    [VIDEO] Message to Clan BB and CTC from The Rat Pack

    well, I am amazed at how little the community actually knows about Balota Buddies. We are not a competitive clan we are a casual community.
  18. me@zabn.me

    Good hacker free server?

    Come and play on our server, AU46, We try to clean up hackers as best we can. Obviously we are doing something right considering we are ranking #1 in AUS and #17 in the world...
  19. me@zabn.me

    AU46 banned for being a dick

    I am one of the admins of AU46 and I am also the one who banned you and the person you had shot with the AS50 I would like to say I am sorry as I was very new to server administration and I was very suspicious when I actually didn't know I had an AS50 in my backpack and you appeared to me like you had literally pulled an AS50 out of thin air and shooting me. not to mention already being annoyed with hackers (being turned into a fu**ing rabbit 3 times within 2 hours) but I will remove this ban ASAP and have informed my admins to NOT ban anyone without having evidence in the logs and also they now have to submit a ban report with the evidence attached. again sorry, [bB] Zabn Clan Founder Balota Buddies