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Everything posted by gavin0101

  1. This is just a shout out to all the people on here that like to complain 24/7 about hackers, because I guarantee if you found a hacked weapons chest right infront of you that you would take a gun. So quit being hypocrites and play the game.
  2. gavin0101

    Recruitment for Combat medics and Pilots Dayz group

    I own a helicopter, and fly it around quite a bit! So, i'd say i'm fairly experienced.
  3. gavin0101


    Okay, i'm looking for a group to play with, I would like to have a group that includes. Squad leader, assault man 1, assault man 2, marksman, and spotter. I will be the Squad leader. I will have an assault rifle, sniper rifle, and Range finders at all times so I will be able to fill in at any spot. Requirements: 15+ Have required gear for the position you're applying for. A serious attitude towards the game. 35+ hours on the game. Please comment below with the following information in the same format. 1. Age 2. Do you have gear 3. Est. how much time do you have played 4. Are you a marksman, assault man, or a spotter 5. Do you prefer to play the game tactically? 6. Your skype username. Log into your skype directly after you apply.
  4. gavin0101

    Cherno roof sniper takedown [VIDEO]

    That was a really nice rolling shot! Are you guys looking for anymore people to play with? I'm really starting to look for a group!
  5. gavin0101

    Looking for more[EU]

    I fit straight into this category! I'd like to play with ya! Do you have a skype?
  6. gavin0101

    i may buy...

    That will run amazing!
  7. gavin0101

    Bad Performance/FPS

    A quad core AMD Phenom or similar (not sure what AMD chips are upto lately...i use Intel) 4 GB DDR3 Ram And ATI Gfx card. Decent motherboard .... gigabyte or asus or something similar. Try this. around $500 if assembled yourself.
  8. gavin0101

    I need a ride!

    Anyone out there who could give me a ride up north? I'm at the outskirts of cherno. I'm in need of some gear and a ride north. Anyone out there willing?!?!?! :D
  9. gavin0101

    ZAS clan recruiting

    If you're going to try to act like a badass gamer and act like you're re recruiting for such a big bad clan, atleast use proper spelling and grammar.
  10. gavin0101

    Lag/Low FPS

    It depends where you are on the map. Ex: If you're in the woods, or right in the middle of Elektro. Hope this helps! -Gavin
  11. gavin0101

    How did this happend?

    Spellcheck your title before you post, for future references. It's an alpha mod. It's very impressive that it is, as good as it is. Although, as impressive as it is, it has many glitches, cars and tents to be more specific.
  12. gavin0101

    kn0x187's Live Stream Thread

    LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL @ Comment above me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So true!
  13. gavin0101

    Few suggestions

    I agree with them all but the bandit one. You either don't have any good gear and not scared of dying or you're a bandit yourself.
  14. gavin0101

    Under 100K active players

    I will play this game so much more if it ever comes out on console. My PC specs. suck so much penis that I can't even play on the lowest quality and get above 19 fps. Anyone wanna make a donation to my new PC? :)
  15. gavin0101

    Friendly fire?

    Oh, every single time I've seen someone get killed it said friendly fire. I thought it was just a normal thing. Nice to know.
  16. I have 2 ghillie suits. Skype: iamgavingriffin
  17. gavin0101

    Bad Performance / FPS

    No, he could use a bit faster processor, and 8 gb ram to not have any lag what so ever.
  18. gavin0101

    Buying a New Laptop

    I don't know how to assemble a computer though. So I would run into trouble buying it piece by piece. :P
  19. gavin0101

    The Cruelest Act

    Yeah, this isn't true.
  20. gavin0101

    Group Spawning and basic starting weapon.

    You sure are right, you are new! That won't happen. That completely goes against the foundation of the game. It was built on real world simulation. You have to go around the world encountering people and deciding if you should stick to the shadowns and stay away from them, or should you go and try to make a teammate and hope they don't kill you. You used to start with a revolver but they don't have that anymore, as it made it to easy to go kill players right off the bat.
  21. gavin0101

    Bad Performance / FPS

    It seems to me, you might want to try a bit more RAM, possibly a faster processor.
  22. gavin0101

    Arma 2 OA ,,Stopped Working'' on startup.

    Just NTFS ACL recursive. Fixed my problem :)
  23. gavin0101

    Buying a New Laptop
