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Everything posted by Jorden

  1. Jorden

    7680 x 1440 Gaming

    Agreed, it's not a worthy investment at all honestly. Sure it looks cool, but eventually you'll get tired of it giving you shit fps. Just invest in a 2550x1600 monitor @ 120hz.
  2. Jorden

    Technical Support [Guides]

    I hope you seriously didn't expect to run even TF2 on that integrated chipset.
  3. Jorden

    Computer specs

    Speccy. http://www.piriform.com/speccy
  4. Jorden

    My thoughts about Dogs

    It's about understanding relative aggressiveness. Think of it this way, if a character was portrayed as shooting anyone on sight, he is seen as a very aggressive character, the dog would understand this, and flee.
  5. Change the 560ti to the 660ti. 2x the performance for about $50 more.
  6. Jorden

    Graphics Card

    Running integrated graphics with 128MB of memory? You have a better chance of winning the lottery.
  7. sometimes server owners like to invert the time. I've seen it a few times on Atlanta servers.
  8. Jorden


    Bandit skin stopped applying a long damn time ago.
  9. Jorden

    Fun at the fire station!

    Oh look, the cancer of DayZ.
  10. This is why I don't play DayZ anymore. Hackers just ruin the experience.
  11. Jorden

    Review Our Website

    Have to agree with most of these posts. The flow is good, I like the way the logo bounces off the header, but I feel the header itself is a bit distracting. It's nice to have a little animation in the page but that draws way too much eye attention.
  12. That line is quickly changing, the 660 ti is the new standard for price vs performance
  13. -1000/10 Would murder and rape
  14. Jorden

    Strangest thing happened.

    Happened to me before, buddy shot me in the face by accident, I gave up right then and there. Logged in the next day, had all my gear.
  15. Jorden

    Gaming computer

    There, I built you a PC, feel free to tweak it to fit your price range http://pcpartpicker.com/p/fwA2
  16. Jorden

    Having Odd Performance Issues

    Could be multiple issues: 1) Drivers need to be updated 2) The card is suffocating on dust 3) Lack of airflow means heat is just circling around in your case
  17. Jorden

    Is this a decent build?

    What is this? 2004? You already messed up the build by putting an obsolete CPU in it Seriously dude, what's your budget and I'll help you set up a system.
  18. Jorden

    Will this run DayZ/ARMA 2?

    I hope you don't plan on running anything higher than normal settings. You're basically running straight off the CPU with that chip.
  19. Jorden

    My new desktop

    Look into getting the MSI 660ti Power Edition. It's only around $50 more and it's twice, almost three times more powerful and consumes less power http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127696
  20. Jorden

    My new desktop

    Your GPU is a bottleneck, but it'll run most games at max settings with 40+ fps.
  21. Jorden

    DayZ is un playable

    I got this last night just from zombie corpses. Doesn't make it unplayable, I just default my graphic settings and then add them back and it fixes it for me.
  22. Jorden

    question about arma 2 anniversary edition

    If it's retail, as long as both are installed they should be ready to go. If it's from steam, you need to run both Arma II and Arma II OA at least once
  23. Jorden

    What's your humanity?

    ITT: Bandit scum that I'm collecting the names of so I can murder on sight. Also, +2300 humanity.
  24. Jorden

    Bandits, bandits everywhere.

    This. Holy hell, I miss when the mod first came out, those first few weeks. Everyone was grouping up,trading, sharing, and just having a damn good time while at the same time murdering the shit out of zeds. Now it's just a pain in the ass with both the combination of jackasses killing on sight, and the hacker breakouts that have been happening lately. Arma II didn't used to have this many hackers. Why? Because all the children who perform them didn't even know about Arma until DayZ.