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Everything posted by Jorden

  1. Jorden

    Spike Strips

    This is actually a good idea.
  2. Jorden

    Building a pc- static electricity

    Like what was stated before. Discharging yourself by touching your case or any other piece of metal nearby with ground you just fine. A wrist strap is for sissies who are paranoid, but it's a choice as well.
  3. This. I agree with balance but this is one of the most "pants on head retarded" fashion of doing so.
  4. Jorden

    i'll alt+f4 if..

    OP is the cancer killing DayZ /thread
  5. Jorden

    Zombie Survival My A***

    I agree, it reminds me of Halo 3: -Map starts -Everyone rushes for the power weapons -Team with them dominates -Cheer, clap, and hump each other repeatedly Except this time around if you stick your head out, you're doomed.
  6. Jorden

    In-Game recorder

    Sounds difficult, good luck
  7. Jorden

    DayZ I Got a Van! Or.......

    Bummer. I remember clipping a tree in my UAZ, and having it just explode on me.
  8. Here's some tweaks: AA should be off Post processing at off or lowest Video memory at default object detail at medium or lower Also it could just be the game clogging your video memory. Just restart the game and it should go back to normal. Either that, or your GPU is overheating.
  9. I've personally only seen it once. Then again, I don't randomly fire at people like an asshat.
  10. Jorden

    Things that Amplified KoS

    Removing global chat did no such thing. It made it worse. This is my 2cents: -CoD kiddies who care nothing for morality -Greed -"Becuz I can XDXD" Thats about it really. This all started due to people just being dickshits and just firing at others for no reason other to steal their beans.
  11. Sounds like something an 8-year-old would do. Just leave it be and continue on your way. Nameplate servers are for newbies anyway.
  12. It's an issue with desyncing. Just have both of you disconnect and reconnect, you'll be within the same time.
  13. This only takes place when you're looking at a loot pile, body, etc. Normally, it opens your bag, and shows the contents on the list only.
  14. Jorden

    PC build will this run DayZ?

    Go for the 700w. Anything 80+ or higher.
  15. Read the whole damn thing. Good read. Yeah this is pretty close to my playstyle honestly, I like to find new/old players and just chat for a bit, then part ways. Not everyone wants to group up, and I respect that.
  16. Jorden

    DayZ is a Pretty Cool Guy

    It's an old /v/ meme. The OP is trying to be funny.
  17. I don't know if it's just me, but I'm running the latest DayZ with the latest beta patch, and I have been checking multiple different servers to find food. The problem is, none ever spawns. Has anyone else been able to find cans, canteens, and drinks just fine?
  18. Jorden


    THIS THREAD, RIGHT HERE. This is what SHOULD be happening. Not just throwing bullets into every person with a backpack on.
  19. There are many other ways to get help for the game, besides im tired of seeing "ANYONE IN CHERNO?? XDXD" Besides, direct chat and voice work just fine, I've met more friendlies with global off, than I did with it on.
  20. There's over a billion threads about this damn issue, STOP MAKING MORE.
  21. Jorden

    starting conditions are too hard

    No, go away. We already voted on it.
  22. Jorden

    Double rainbow in DayZ!

    Post here next time
  23. It'll be fixed. It's HIGHLY frowned upon by Rocket. I'm looking forward to it because it means that no one can bitch out, and must suffer the consequences of being careless.