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Everything posted by stevecookie@bigpond.com

  1. stevecookie@bigpond.com

    DayZ Stories

    As I direct my gaze away from the scorching sun, my eyes refocus on a tree off into the distance. I run directly over to the tree line taking cover and some much needed shade. Resting a moment I took stock of my gear, just some basic survival items. Then check the magazine clip of my AK, reloading for any unexpected encounters. About 200m ahead of me was a small barn. I figured this would be a good place for me to scavenge some much needed resources. With dry lips I gulp down my last mouthful of water from the canteen. A last scan of the horizon I run for the barn like my life depended on it, vaulting a small fence passed some bushes around the fence. “SAFE!” I look around the barn for any useful items, NOTHING! just some empty bean cans that been devoured by the previous tenants. And an empty bottle of whiskey “SHIT”, I could use a drink right now! My disappointment making me hungrier by the minute I decide to move on, quietly moving to the back of the barn. I take a peek outside and to my amazement sitting in the middle of the road a beaten up old bicycle. Throwing caution into the wind I sprint, mount the bike and peddle as fast as I can away from the horrors that were chasing me. Cycling for about half an hour lost in the vast countryside not a living soul or undead one for that matter in sight. I decide to do go for some higher ground to hopefully get my bearings. Halfway up the hill I stop suddenly spotting something out of the corner of my eye. I dismount, steady my aim with the AK and direct the barrel at the rustling bushes. Not knowing what to expect I shout “Friendly”, no answer. “Friendly,” again no answer. Suddenly a loud screech the beast leaps from behind the bushes coming straight at me. Sacred witless I unload half a clip into the beast dropping it a couple of feet from where I stood, a boar. Having not fed for a couple of days it was a welcome sight. I gut the fresh still twitching boar removing intestines, stomach and other undesirables, then hang it up to bleed out while I build a fire. Having fed to my heart’s content I let out an almighty belch, giggling to myself that although life deals some crappy cards, sometimes just sometimes it still had some surprises up its sleeve. Hiking to the top of the hill on the other side I see through the forest a couple of small shacks and a dirt road. Upon further investigation down the road a small farming town. I was reluctant to go into the town but I knew I would not survive without precious water. Surveying the area the town more like a ghost town, now was a better time than any. On my bike again I haul ass down the mountain as fast as I can and beeline straight for the middle of town. I spot an abandoned house. Dismount my bike and cautiously move into the house. Rummaging around for a while I find a warm can of Coke. Just as I crack it open I hear footsteps outside. Heart pounding I peek out the window and to my horror faces of the undead looking right at me moaning and growling, yet somewhat oblivious to my location. I think to myself if I stay here I’m dead not just that I will be undead. I’d much rather eat a bullet than turn into one of those wondering rotting beasts. The bike was my only escape! I sneak outside checking for the best route out of town. Then I thought I heard a faint motorized noise in the distance. I look around but nothing. I make it back to the bike and get ready for the great escape. Just about to take off when, the motorized noise started getting louder and louder. Taking another look I see a Heli coming my way. “I’m saved!” I say to myself. I lean the bike up against the wall I was next to and proceeded to wave down the chopper with a big smile on my face. I hope they see me I think to myself. The chopper was getting lower and lower. Well they certainly did see me because bullets suddenly came raining down on my location. “Fuck.” It suddenly all turned to shit. Zeds aggroing everywhere running round batshit crazy, chopper circling shooting bouncing bullets off the ground around me. My heart pumping I jump on the bike and made a dash for the biggest building I could find, a rusty old shed. Ejecting off the bike then diving inside the building. Now the chopper was circling the building I was holed up in, shooting a volley of bullets keeping me from seeing what was going on outside. Cracks in the rusty old building helped me get a sense of their location but no clear shot. By the time I figured where they were they had already landed. Five guys in ghillie suits and military weapons jumped out of the chopper. They split up taking either side of the building blocking my exit. “Shit” I’m trapped. Feeling like cornered wild animal I had no choice I would rather go out in a blaze of glory than cower in a hole. “Those bastards” I wasn’t going without a fight. I readied my AK selecting full auto for the most carnage. Then everything happened in slow motion, my life flashed before my eyes just as I ran out the doorway. I locked eyes with one of the faceless men pursuing me. Raised guns we both instinctively and immediately open fire on one another. The bullets flying everywhere, “I got him” but alas he also got me. Slowly fading I thought to myself today was a good day to die.