I was with him and it is true, the first was killed near Nadezhdino more or less at coordinates [long, lat] 56.17 and when we were in a vehicle in good condition to more than 1.5 km we turned toward Stary Sobor and having advanced more than 2.5 km since the vehicle was fully functional. On the hill just before Stary Sobor appears next to us when we were watching with thermal vision and kills us, when there had been over 10 min. At least it is not investigated because subjective opinion is that it is real. Davilongo hero has skin of humanity survivor and 4000 since 2500 and I just started, I mean that we are not whiners bandits simply denounce injustices who is responsible for what this subject is unbearable and playing up illegally, damaging the quality of this mod. Greetings and thank you very much. g4tero