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Ronnie Lamb

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Everything posted by Ronnie Lamb

  1. has one had the "they call me ruster" hack where it says about a terrorist and then a sort of news board at the bottom and you cant log out? happend twice in 45 minutes to me on two completely differnet hives? is a global thing?
  2. Ronnie Lamb

    they call me rustler hack?

    so im guessing it happening rather alot?
  3. SO! many of you bandits! (not coast line snipers) will know what im on about! you find someones camp take a car and there good gear and they bitch all day well i did this but whilst they were at there camp ;) im a sneaky one you see? Anyway i did this and they bitched abouts 'hacks' im sure this happens to all bandits? i thought the idea of playing dayz was taking risks and when you get fucked over you just get on with it and get on with it again the funny thing is they were bandits and were telling me they hit someones camp up and killed them? these people need to stop bitching about this stuff its the way of dsayz they knew it might happen and it did? anyone else had this?
  4. A:Ronnie B:low blood keep passing out C:north of berezino and near blunt rocks D:ghille suit and aks-kroba steam name:ronnielamb123
  5. Looking for some UK players to team up with just because the people i play with atm are completely different time zones so need some more local players. -needs mic -18+ -skype my steam ronnielamb123
  6. Ronnie Lamb

    Need a player to help me learn the ropes

    you on uk time?
  7. Looking for members for a already four man group just looking for a few more members up to 6 at the moment add me on steam and we'll talk. ronnielamb123 18+ and mic
  8. Looking for members for a already four man group just looking for a few more members up to 6 at the moment add me on steam and we'll talk. ronnielamb123