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Posts posted by ninjabeans

  1. I'm down to play, i've got my own server full of stuff so I don't need help getting stuff, just finding you guys so I can be apart of the party. (: I have a SVD camo atm with an m4 silenced, so I fit the sniper profile but I'm exceptionally good at spotting people and shooting them before they shoot me (: skype name is Ninja_beans

  2. Hi guys, i'm a really good DayZ player my characters 16 days old now. I'm a hero and I would like to play with a small group of people who don't always shoot on sight when we're near bambi areas where the bambis are trying to find guns. I don't mind shooting people who have high powered weaponry on sight because they can posed to be a threat. If anyone wants to play with me add me on Skype. Ninja_beans I'm just looking for 2 or 3 people to play with. Please and thanks. I also prefer you have your own guns and such.
