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moop (DayZ)

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Everything posted by moop (DayZ)

  1. hey guys, every time our server restarts it gets 'stuck' on no map/mission/difficulty for like 20-30minutes... usually have to go into server control to set it to veteran/dayz before it works properly.. anyone any clue how to make it auto start on veteran dayz? ty
  2. moop (DayZ)

    server not restarting properly

    its hosted by vilayer, the config file is just a list of options, dropdown boxes where you set the difficulty etc, so yeah i assume so, unless im doing something wrong here...
  3. moop (DayZ)


    seems the server names are not updating though after applying the patch. shutdown, applied patch, restarted, still listed as unless i done somthing wrong :P
  4. moop (DayZ)


    seems to be available now via the CP, enjoy
  5. moop (DayZ)


    I got a reply from them, but was pretty generic: "This update will be rolled out just as soon as we've tested and packaged it up." No further info given I'm afraid.
  6. moop (DayZ)


    hey guys, sorry for the noob question, just couldn't find the answer in any of the guides and stuff.. well, just bought a server for myself and a few friends (vilayer).. just wondering how i set the time zone for the server? as we want it to be light when we can all play etc :) thanks in advance!
  7. moop (DayZ)


    yeah thanks i found it :) Just one more problem, cant seem to get the server to change to veteran.. seems stuck on regular, even after editing the default config file on the vilayer panel... any ideas anyone on how to go around that? :/