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About wilcox_jonathan123@yahoo.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. wilcox_jonathan123@yahoo.com

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    Sometimes when I'm walking around and I hear the sound of a can opening, I instantly scan if anyone is around me. The first time I heard it since playing DayZ my heart rate went up when I heard the can open. I also live very close to an airport and when I see airplanes on the field I think in my head "HACKERS!!"
  2. wilcox_jonathan123@yahoo.com

    What to do...?

    Download Lingor on Commander. The map is half the size of Cherno and not all forest for campers to snipe you. There are military barrack's evenly distributed across the map so getting a decent weapon is easy. Hang around the city Calamar on a server with a population of 20-30 people and you will get some good action. I wouldn't be playing DayZ anymore if Chernanus was the only map on the game.
  3. wilcox_jonathan123@yahoo.com

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    That too, I quit normal DayZ and went to Lingor due to the rampant scripting and duping. So damn tired of going into Elektro and hearing 3 different AS50 shots going off when they're rare as balls to find.
  4. wilcox_jonathan123@yahoo.com

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    Unfortunately we run into snipers a lot more than we should. I'd be willing to bet without scripters we wouldn't see .50 cals nearly as often as we do now. Snipers are fine, but I don't like how these dumbass script kiddies play dangerous and don't give a crap about wasting ammo or dying.