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Rex Instigator

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Posts posted by Rex Instigator

  1. You know what, i think that might have been the case here too.. some scripting thing i mean.. He 2 shotted me with handgun from too much of a distance. He had set up a red flare decoy where he had snuffed another guy. 3 o'clock at night (it was by the silos not far from the harbour in chernogorsk) There might have been 2 of them as well

    But never mind now.. I made it in the end after thirsting to death, just now. And im happy as hell :D

    Thank you for your support Fluxley58 and you other guys too

    Hope I (HorrorMarlon) see you around sometime :)


  2. I just appeared here, fell to the ground when i respawned. Some guy killed me

    I tried changing to another server like you said, but the problem persists when i go back. I am on the beach however

    Doesnt look like im going to die either.. Water bottle has been blinking for a while and the blooddrop has the same color

  3. Hey i got replies!

    I just thought of something.. mabye i can die of thirst while im unconcious? Do you dehydrate while you lie there?

    Wilderness is west of kamenka (thank you)

    And sorry for posting wrongly, i didnt find new thread anywhere else

  4. I log in unconcious with 5 min hourglass (and broken legs)

    my game freezes after the hourglass runs out.. the hourglass doesnt go away

    I have no way of killing myself/letting myself die, or even getting anyone to come kill me, since i spawn in the "wilderness"

    Every server is the same apart from Lingor Island

    Last thing that happened was i got killed by some guy

    Pleeeeease help me

    - Yours truly
