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Everything posted by Master_Walker

  1. Hello ladies and gentlemen, this person played on our server (DE 2179) today (27.09.2012, between 22:00-23:00 GMT+2): Kaszaaa, GUID: 889c1a07d1e902126fe7bdd706554bb6 We saw him driving with his car around staroye, he saw us too, tried to roadkill us. my mate fired about 50 shots on his car, Kaszaa was stopped, got out of the car and we continued shooting at him. after more than 50 shot of mk48 and one magazine of m1911 (distance about 5m) directly in his head/upper body, he was still alive and walking around. we immediately disconnected, kicked kaszaa out of the game and after investigating the logfile, we decided to ban him from our server. if there are any questions about the ban, please contact DayZ.DE2179[at]gmail.com Greetings Master_Walker in the name of the admin-staff
  2. Master_Walker

    Instance ID and Mission

    Hello urbanfox, thank you for your quick reply! I honestly appreciate your work here on the forums and the dayz community. As Ive already mentioned, I know your work very well and we all have to keep in mind, that you all do this voluntary and in your spare time! I really salute to you and the rest of the DayZ-staff! Keep your heads up and we'll also do our best to provide good servers. Greetings Master_Walker
  3. Master_Walker

    Instance ID and Mission

    Hello @all, i'm also here to complain about my ID and mission-file. I rented a server last week at the german hoster g-portal and requested my ID on the 13. Sept. I got my welcome email and a seperate email with my order confirmation (Order Number: 2959559782). My order is listed on the support portal under "my servers" as "active", but same situation as rackage: Status: Active::: No ... I havent received an confirmation- nor a decline-mail. I will resubmit my order as soon i've posted here and i hope that it will work this time. Maybe there's something wrong with your ordering system or the process should be optimized as it looks like this was happening more than just once. I know the admin-job first hand, as i'm the director of an big german datanetwork; i know how hard your job is! but, when we guys here want to give something to the community, like hosting a server, it is very, very frustrating and annoying when we already fail in gaining a "simple id" for our servers. You say, we should not complain in the forums and/or via the ticketsystem, if our requests take some time, but when we wait for x days and then our orders seem to be simply not processed or declined it makes us admins more than just sad. Please don't missunderstand my post, but we all love this great game and just want to help the community, maybe we can work together to improve the process. Greetings Master_Walker Edit: Resubmitted, Order Number: 2838417252
  4. Master_Walker

    DE 747 God Mode Hacker

    Hello there, today we we're playing on the server DE 1622 with three players. When we we're looting Berezino, the player "ELITE CHALENGER" killed two of us. When we were trying to get our stuff back, CHALENGER killed one of us again, but we could manage to see him: Britisch Soldier Skin, G36C with suppressor, Switching to DMR and continiuosly shooting green flares. We believe that he was also teleporting himself, because he was permanently changing postition from Berezino to Niznoye and Solnichniy. This hacker should be banned immediately! Server: DE 1622 Date: 04.09.2012 Time: 22:00 / 10.00 PM German Time Greetings Master_Walker