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Bobby Darin

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Posts posted by Bobby Darin

  1. Hahahah sorry if using shorthand denotes a lack of inteligence on my part. Didnt think my grammer was too bad tho. How about a counter point to my argument as apposed to pulling appart the phonetics of my post?? no....thats because my argument is sound ;)


    You do know you can admire your “toon” all you want in the inventory screen…


    If you cannot appreciate how unbalanced 3rd person makes the game and how much more fun can be had in 1st person, then I think you really need to re-read the entire thread and also watch the youtube video which eloquently explains the pro’s and cons.


    As somebody mentioned in a previous page, Rocket needs to make design decisions which will upset some people if he truly wishes to make a hardcore zombie survival game. Time will tell if he really will make the game he wants, or if he’s chasing the dollar with the general consensus.

  2. Wouldn't the opposite make more sense? Keep the texture to add some unique looks to the game, but name them all the same in the gear screen?

    I think that's a great idea ! The textures look brilliant & go a long way in thanking those involved - it's the potential clutter in the inventory which people seem most aggrieved at.

    If they could all be made as rare loot such as Mountain Dew, then they could become real trophies for can collectors :D and who knows maybe even a kind of currency.

  3. On the food,

    Adding names like mZLY yZLY and R4Z0R soda might mean something to a handful of people but overall retracts from the game.

    I'm all about giving credit to the devs and appreciate the work they do, but frankly this is taking it a little too far.

    So fixing a broken leg with morphine or getting blood from a tin of beans isn't ruining the immersion?

    I don't think it really is a question about ruining immersion, more that it looks quite ridiculous - I am sure there must be other "cooler" ways of thanking everybody who has devoted their FREE time to this mod.

    Thanks again to everybody involved in keeping this mod updated, even though my comment may seem ungrateful :P

    • Like 2

  4. Player 1: Gets wounded, heads to any hospital, gets blood bag... I mean 5-10 blood bags.

    Player 2: Ok lets give you a health pack... Ding, done. Good thing we have unlimited health packs, now we can heal instantly another "X" number of times with bag space being the limiting factor.

    Player 3: Gets wounded, finds an animal, has to shoot animal(Loud) has to build a fire(really loud) cooks steak, then attempts to heal. Matches go bad, has to look for more matches, then start another fire...... exc

    Guys im sorry, but this is bullshit, and yes it pisses in the winds of equality and balance.

    ^^ This is eloquently put.

    Whilst i think some of the food values are a little ill thought out, you cannot nerf the food without nerfing blood at the same time..... :rolleyes:

  5. The game is like hitting a nail through your bell end, pointless.

    I have been playing since it was released and thoroughly enjoyed my time, I would also congratulate rocket for producing an immersive experience. However, the level of hacking at present renders the game unplayable.

    I wish DayZ every success for the future and hope that safeguards will be in place for the standalone. Unfortunately I cannot justify wasting the little free time I have on a game which is open to so much abuse - fingers crossed for the future.
