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Everything posted by Kingspiral

  1. Kingspiral

    Gas masks

  2. Kingspiral

    Gas masks

  3. Kingspiral

    DayZ Apparel

  4. Kingspiral


  5. Kingspiral

    Got Global Banned for no reason

    One is never banned for no reason, be it their own fault, or someone elses, there is always a valid reason. What was this persons skype name? I'll add him and talk. Submit a ban appeal to BE, just google BattlEye and you'll find their website.
  6. Kingspiral

    Cheat found

  7. Kingspiral

    Warm clothes

  8. The camp was raided by hackers. They teleported to it, stole all vehicles, and flattened all tents. I can no longer do business until I have re-gained gear.
  9. Kingspiral

    why was I banned?

    Awesome! :D
  10. Kingspiral

    Even a friendly one is unacceptable.

    Ah, ok. I missed that :)
  11. Kingspiral

    Soldier clothing, is it legit?

    Used to be, not anymore unless some badass DayZ veteran has survived for a few months.
  12. Kingspiral

    Can't see servers.

    Then I'm baffled. Servers should be flowing through... :S This. DayZ Commander is extremely simple, and gives you options for upgrades/downgrades too :3
  13. Kingspiral

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    Wow... That's like the boy-scout guide for DayZ. You have my beans, sir.
  14. Now, I don't want to try, as I assume it will take weeks if not months of constant work to complete, but how do people create custom DayZ maps like Lingor? I'd appreciate a link, or a short explanation on how this is possible :)
  15. Kingspiral

    How to create custom maps for servers?

    That looks extremley confusing... I'll leave it for tomorrow afternoon, once Jet-Lag has gone. I'm sure it'll get easier as I go through the steps, but I'll most likely get stuck on the scripting side of things.
  16. Kingspiral

    why was I banned?

    Once you've submitted an E-Mail to BE, it could take months for them to respond. A friend of mine had the same problem, 3 months ago. He still hasn't had a response. Correct. CD thefts are extremley common at the moment. I just wish people would learn to play fair, if they suck at the game they should try harder, instead of getting themselves banned for hacking, then using some illegal program to steal someones key.
  17. Kingspiral

    How to create custom maps for servers?

    Ohhh... Thanks LVG :)
  18. Very cool, I'll check it out :)