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About Nivek23

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    On the Coast
  1. Vick, He was the same with me, I hate it, now I have to find a new hosting company, looking at survival servers, not sure about them. If you know anything let me know.
  2. I received an email from one of Tom's friend today, Tom is the owner of DayZ Host One, his wife was in a car wreck today, she will pull through but she was hurt real bad. He said it will be a long road to recovery for her, therefore he will be shutting down the company, this is sad news, good luck guys.
  3. All I can say is they have bent over backwards to help me and make sure my server is running smoothly. They have answered every question I've ever asked them, even offered to make changes on my behalf, but not before asking permission to remote into the server I have rented from them, when I'm not sitting at a computer to do it myself. They have answered my emails in the middle of the night, 2am,3am,4am, whenever. I can't comment on the prior conversation but there is always 2 sides to every story. To recap for ME, support is great, server is great, knowledge is great. Good luck guys, I hope you can work this out. FYI I'm not affiliated with dayz host one or am I picking sides. Just want everyone to know my experience with them.
  4. First off, this is legit, the level of professionalism is amazing along with support. Play on my server all you want US2964(it is hosted by DayZ Host One) The hive update is being installed now. I promise these guys are the best hosting company around. Good luck
  5. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post a review or not but I would like to tell everyone about my experience with DayZ host one. First off I had a managed server with HFB servers. I couldn't be any more unhappy with them, but that's not the point of this review. DayZ host one is amazing. They had my server up and running in about two hours. We have exchanged 23 emails over the last 24 hours and each email was responded to in no longer than 8 mins. I must say that's great customer service. They have bent over backwards to make me happy and keep my server running smoothly. All in all, server quality is excellent, no lag, great customer service, and best of all, reasonably priced. If you are reading this forum looking for a hosting company, go with DayZ Host one. You won't regret it. Thanks again for the best customer support you can find.