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About MarlDaeSu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MarlDaeSu

    FPS Issue

    I have a 4GB ram system and i can run it with multiple programs open, fraps recording and full graphical settings (granted i have a decent pc) so 4GB should be fine
  2. hahahah thats a pretty good post, highly enjoyed that. But, you say there is no benefit to having people alive and that you are trying to live as long as possible, and your forgetting an essential part of the game, having fun. What your doing is trying to beat a high score that doesnt exist. Love it though, you need people like you on dayZ making it more terrifying
  3. Hi, I've had DayZ for a few days now and I reckon I'm getting the hang of things, but i definitely need to get me some travelling buddies for the road. looking for tactical/ careful players with good teamwork skills, but still up for a bit of bant. I know there are a number of posts very recently saying the same thing, but this is also a quasi-reply to those guys who are in the same position, add me on Skype (marldaesu) or steam (hidriamarlfolk). Marley