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About Nickh118

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Upstate New York
  1. alright, here it is! i've been playing for 2 to 3 weeks now, and im starting to think this game might be easier with some buds to play with. my names nick, im 17 and im from the united states. i want some teammates that arent going to be serious sally's when we play... i want a few fun teammates ;) if anyone wants to play, hit me up on skype (nickh118) and we'll get to know eachother before we start playing!
  2. im EXTREMELY new to dayz...but i dont think im as retarded as some of the other players, ;) if anyone wants to team up with me it would be awesome
  3. i keep getting that stupid mp table shadow error when i try to launch the game...people have been telling me that it is a really easy fix for everyone....ive been trying to fix it for over 4 days... ive tried everything.... it just wont work. =,( are there any other possible ways to fix this error that havent been posted to the internet yet? ive already contacted steam AND bohemia and they've only told me the same things that all the users have been telling me...run as administrator and verify the files blah blah...
  4. i download arma 2 and installed it and everything blah blah blah.... then eventually a little screen popped up saying "data file to short ' addons/sound.pbo'. expected 389161532 B, got 283770880 B ' anybody knows what this means OR knows how to fix it?
  5. Nickh118

    Dayz, steam, and dayz commander

    have the steam launch option checked on the dayzcommander setting?
  6. Nickh118

    Dayz, steam, and dayz commander

    Thanks man. =)
  7. ok ive been launching dayz off the steam website.... is it possible for me to get dayzcommander and start launching the mod off that since its so much easier?