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Everything posted by shiromikan

  1. Open C:\Users\[Name]\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.cfg and check if Resolution_W=1440; Resolution_H=900; Edit; if it does, change it.
  2. shiromikan

    Can't get above 60 fps on dayz

    The game was never very good on Resource Management. It could have ran on less.
  3. That video didn't suck. I thought it would. It was actually fairly great.
  4. shiromikan

    Can't get above 60 fps on dayz

    Talking out of my ass; I believe the FPS is limited to the monster's refresh rate.
  5. shiromikan

    HFB Server Site Maintnence?

    Locked, duplicate thread. Other one found here.
  6. shiromikan

    HFB Server Site Maintnence?

    Billing panel: http://www.hfbserver...lling/index.php Control Panel: http://www.hfbservers.com:8880/ Should have been links on the maint. page. Hm.
  7. shiromikan


    Wouldn't it have been easier to email him? =o Edit; tags. lol'd. This topic goes in Servers General. Totally.
  8. Haha. That's actually kind of funny.
  9. It means you are not sync'd to the server. This can be caused by the HIVE having issues (-everyone- has the red chain). Your internet could be experiencing problems. The server's internet is being compromised. Ect.
  10. It's actually WHMCS, a very good billing system that almost every hosting company I know of uses as it makes managing everything easier. However, most sites have a genuine site in front of the WHMCS. EDIT: I can only assume he's working on one.
  11. We should have Minecraft servers for rent soon! A few changes to our Control Panel will also be occurring over the next couple days. Nothing drastic, just hopefully some new features. ^_^
  12. shiromikan

    I found the PERFECT theme for DayZ!

    That was epic.
  13. Visit http://www.hfbservers.com/index.php/dedicated-servers for more information.
  14. Less than 24 hours.
  15. We only replaced the word "loading" with the words "Sending zerglings." No one else has had an issue logging in to the ticket system. Have you cleared your cache, cookies, ect? I'll look into the issue, but your inability to log into the billing system is an issue we need to sort.
  16. shiromikan

    Question About Opteron CPUs

    More cores could run more servers, though. Edit: For example, if you have an eight core Opteron, you can set the affinity for each server to only use two cores each. However, I've found that the DayZ Server Requirements are extremely inflated. Especially the RAM requirements. I've never seen a sever eat more than 2Gb of ram. Ever.
  17. shiromikan

    Tents resetting after reboot

    Here's rocket's post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/page__st__180
  18. shiromikan

    Note on Servers

    DayZ doesn't like Linux too much and isn't supported by the Dev Team (yet).
  19. The HIVE version is up to date... o:
  20. Anyone else who could do this is on Holiday for the weekend. Edit; Afley, you are right. I've already tried calling him ten times. This is just unacceptable.
  21. I'll look into it right now. Edit; resolved an hour ago.
  22. Spamming the twitter won't help. Anthony is asleep because he was up until 10 AM (Est) doing maintenance as well as ordering brand new Ivy Bridge servers. And I cannot put the update in myself. =\ So, sorry. You just are going to need to wait tight for a little bit. Forgive us.
  23. I would like to point out. We answer our tickets from oldest to newest. Every time you "bump" your ticket, you get pushed back up the queue. Things like sleep, doctor appointments (I just got back from the Dentist), other engagements, ect. also come into play when answering tickets.
  24. Our Dedicated servers are dedicated servers. They aren't shared with anyone, you get complete access to your box through RDP (if Windows, SSH for Linux). Anything under the 'Dedicated' tab isn't shared. We don't sell Virtual Servers anymore, so our only shared service is the Game Servers.