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Everything posted by shiromikan

  1. shiromikan

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    Should be good, now.
  2. shiromikan

    Is HFB unavailable to you too?

    What's wrong with the Customer Support? Server stability isn't an issue with HFB, either. It's the coding of ArmA2 and DayZ.
  3. shiromikan

    Got to love defcon

  4. shiromikan

    Are they denying everyone?

    They just don't want any home-servers. They being the DayZ Community Support. (Red guys)
  5. New order page for DayZ servers + a new DayZ product!
  6. shiromikan

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Mountain dew! D:
  7. shiromikan

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    People on reddit are pissin' me off.
  8. Security update released. Check email for more info.
  9. shiromikan

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    And, you don't stick your face in a bag when going through it. You can still see some of your surroundings. ;)
  10. This isn't the DayZ Commander support forums, Try: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dayzcommander Good luck! :(
  11. shiromikan

    Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)

    I love it. The idea of layered clothing yielding additional space for small items is epic. To those who think it's confusing; actually look at it. Just looks confusing at first glace. If you opened up the hi-res versions and looked at everything, you would see it's not that complicated! :D
  12. Server naming is done in the control panel's configuration editor for the server.cfg file.
  13. shiromikan

    No CD key (steam)

    Please don't make multiple threads in different subforums...
  14. Please keep this thread in Sever General. It doesn't go in DayZ General Discussion, :)
  15. I'm just going to lock this thread because I honestly cannot be fucked to moderate this thread. If you've got an issue with a moderator, you PM Griff. You don't make a topic about it. Nothing good will come from this.
  16. Can anyone confirm this has no negative side-effects on anything.
  17. shiromikan

    Vilayer "scheduled restarts"

    Locked. This is a well-known bug with and the Hive 0.7.3 and is present with almost every server. This isn't a ViLayer issue.
  18. gwbrewer, pm me your name. You don't have to cancel. We'll just give you the discounted rate as you're a special case.
  19. BEC is looking promising.
  20. shiromikan

    Internet Privacy and You

    Griff, why are you going around and scaring people on the internet? :(
  21. shiromikan

    HFB Customers - Regularchecks

    As said, submit a ticket. Don't make a post in this thread about the regular checks. Other posts are fine. They just want anything about the regular checks in the ticket system so they can keep track of it.
  22. shiromikan

    DayZ at GamesCom

    DayZ Standalone will be running a heavily modified version of the Real Virtuality 4 engine (Made by BIS). Mod support will be limited, at first but plan to open up as develop(as Rocket stated in one of his Reddit AmA's.) But, keep in mind. This thread solely about DayZ's Attendance of GamesCon and NOT DayZ Development.
  23. shiromikan

    Ban appeal US 1037

    This is the ban appeal section. Not the Admin abuse section.