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Everything posted by shiromikan

  1. shiromikan

    CZ appreciation station

    I prefer my m24 over all. ;) And, yes, I've fired all of the snipers featured in this mod. (Well, I haven't fired the SVDs in DayZ. I've used it in CTI.)
  2. shiromikan

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Rocket, happy birthday. I sort of ragequit the server once I realized that everything was gone. xD Lost the tents full of necessities, lost the vehicles we spent hours fixing, ect. The worst of all, I can't even say publicly. But, it's horrifying. XD
  3. shiromikan

    We Are Not Legion.

    I'm confused.
  4. shiromikan

    300 m view distance...

    Technically, as you're inquiring about an issue you're having, this would properly go under Bug Reports or Troubleshooting. However, it isn't a bug. It's simply the weather. Apparently, it's really foggy in Cherno all the time.
  5. shiromikan

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Guys. Guys. Just... Guys. Let's just be fucking cats.
  6. shiromikan

    Petition to add the Mosin Nagant to Day Z

    "The Mosin Nagant is like the AK-47 of the Bolt Action world." - Nibbles
  7. shiromikan

    Rocket has gone too far

    >Inb4 people realize this is a regular ARMA thing.
  8. shiromikan

    I spawn bleeding to death?

    If your "map" is just a black screen; you don't have a map.
  9. shiromikan

    Rarest Weapons?

    The VSS Vintorez is a bewb. 3;
  10. shiromikan

    Who's got "A LIST"

  11. shiromikan

    Enterable Buildings

    I wonder how difficult map-making is. I know for a damned fact it'll be time consuming and will probably never be perfect, but... I wonder how difficult it'd be.
  12. shiromikan

    Enterable Buildings

    Yes. You're not able to enter a building when the door is closed and you do not have the option to open it. Also; it's not feasible to have more buildings become enter-able as the map would need to be remade (and then re-downloaded by all who wish to play.)
  13. I am.. perplexed at the ideal of illness! I was going to make an argument against it, however... I thought about it more. I mean, it makes a lot of sense. Provided you don't get sick everyday... Also, after it rains, rivers, lakes, and the ocean will be slightly toxic (bacterium/contaminated blood? will become runoff and empty into the lakes and whatnot). It would add an entirely new facet to game-play. I.. I, uh, yeah. I am completely for this sickness element. I just hope that, if it's ever planned to be included, the community gets to discuss exactly how it should work. :D
  14. shiromikan

    Holy S**t! A must watch!

    Mind control, obviously.
  15. shiromikan

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    The posts about the bird simulator - a spectator mode for Arma - was funny at first. But, it got old with repetition quickly.
  16. Odd, I have the same GPU as you and I'm not receiving much lag at all.
  17. Actually, I've seen a rapid expansion in both EU servers, and US. It's crazy because they are still always full!
  18. shiromikan

    Getting Bored

    I'm not getting bored. :D
  19. shiromikan


    I like these ideas very much. However, I think the entire system would be very much time consuming on the coding-end.
  20. shiromikan

    Winchester rifle is wrong!

    Iunno... It'd be pretty sweet to run around with a Karabiner 98k Zf42... And, as for German WW2 weaponry being rare in a Russian state; after the War, Russia stockpiled captured arms for use in future conflicts (Especially with the Western Bloc.) While, Russia did ship most of these weapons out to other countries about the time of the Cold War, it'd still be possible to find them. Meh. I'm satisfied with the current weapons for now. :3