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Everything posted by shiromikan

  1. So long as you follow the server hosting rules and you keep up with your payments, your server won't be shut down.
  2. shiromikan

    Time of day inconsistent between players

    It's a de-synchronization issue with servers. If the server restarts, everyone will have the same time again.
  3. Because we're currently backed up on orders. It should be set up within the next 24 hours.
  4. shiromikan

    No Sidechat?

    I can't find the links now - since the hackers destroyed a couple weeks worth of the forum history (fuckers) - but I could swear it had gone as high as 80m. (Although, yours could be radius whereas mine could be circumference.) I hope you meant diameter.
  5. shiromikan

    DayZ Mod survival - Survival Series with a group

    I honestly expected this to be a bitch-thread. Glad you fixed the issue you had, though. ;)
  6. shiromikan

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    The majority of the issues with DayZ come from it's base, Arma 2. You can't expect a mod to attempt to fix every issue Arma 2 has (even though it does fix several.)
  7. shiromikan

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    That was a funny read. xD
  8. A shame this was deleted in the roll back.
  9. shiromikan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Now, if only one could drop supplies out the back of a helicopter. ;)
  10. shiromikan

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    I'll assume you are referring to my post. (Which you didn't fully read as the main part was somewhat hidden to make my exaggeration and interpretation of your post seem more dramatic. Highlighting the text before my arrow "< -" reveals this: "Obviously, this kind of behavior is rude and unnecessary. It's offensive to most people as well. The only situation where I think what you just now said could apply is if we had insults flying around."
  11. shiromikan

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    Legacy, I dislike the fact that you're not speaking German. So, please... Do not talk at all. D: Obviously, this kind of behavior is rude and unnecessary. It's offensive to most people as well. The only situation where I think what you just now said could apply is if we had insults flying around. <-
  12. shiromikan

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Any plans in place for hoodies or other apparel (or peripherals (I'd buy a DayZ mouse pad.)) if the shirts sell well?
  13. shiromikan

    DayZ Execution

  14. shiromikan

    DayZ Radio Show (TWITCH.TV)

    Holy shit. This idea reminds me of Fallout!
  15. Personal Opinion: Methodology needs to be reworked and time needs to be spent researching contraction of diseases. However, I believe being inside should provide the same benefits to being near a campfire. (As you can't make a fire indoors) Edit; we're also clearly immune to whatever disease is turning other people into walking corpses.
  16. shiromikan

    Your biggest failures

    Walked off a factory. Was holding the W key, realized the edge was a meter from me... Didn't let go of the W key. Fell off and died.
  17. shiromikan

    I found a Boat.

    There was a post about that wreck a little while ago. Rocket asked if the boat was an entity you could walk on. It's dangerous to attempt to board the vessel (You'll die if you don't ram a boat onto the deck).
  18. shiromikan

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    I do. :D
  19. shiromikan

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    Genuine lolz right here. If I ever encounter a Dew that wasn't stolen, I'll be sure to take up this quest. Question: Am I allowed to have CAS (Close Air Support) by players who aren't Guardians? XD