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About parasyte

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. What did I expect? I paid the price, my CD key was banned. I didn't rape or murder a child, I scripted for 20 minutes to get back items that were lost when I was hack killed, I was banned for it, and I at least had the balls to admit it. You, and everybody else just about so far has come at me in a less than professional manner so let me ask you, what did you expect of me in regard to my replies to you trolls? To answer your other question, just because your opinions don't matter, which they don't, doesn't mean I can't post in reply, because I will.
  2. See above where I don't care about your opinions. You are nothing and nobody to me so whatever you say about me or however you feel is inconsequential. This is a troubleshooting forum and so far it's nothing but trolls, not surprising.
  3. Why use Google when i have a chump like you to do all the work for me tomfin?
  4. Again I'm not too concerned with your opinion or anybody else's. If you have nothing of value to contribute then see your way out... or keep posting, either way I'll still be playing again tonight whether you or anybody else likes it.
  5. Prepared for flames from basement dwelling, neckbeard trolls? For some reason I'm not too concerned.
  6. Yes I was banned, I'll freely admit the ban was warranted for running scripts. BE caught me within 20 minutes, and the lesson was learned, I'm out $30. I want to buy another copy through steam but am I able to use my existing steam account which has the banned key or do I need to create a new steam ID? I know about cleaning the registry which I've already done, just want to know if a new steam ID is required