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About axelnito

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    On the Coast
  1. @Pendragon I am going to guess you read this thread (or at least the OP). Exactly what Rocket said he wanted to game to be is what I (and other people) are advocating. It just seems that the game isnt going in that direction, and its due to the fact that other elements of the survival experience are being left out of the testing phase (which is actually what an alphas stage should be) for other non important aspect (I read somewhere we might be getting dogs on the next release, but we have never dying flashlight and we can sprint like the gold olympian marathon runner.... really??). I still hope that Rocket will stay true, to what he has said before and not just launch the standalone in a hurry thats all broken and something it shouldnt be just to cover marketshare before warz hits.
  2. @jdz That DayZ should have PVP is not really in debate. The problem is right now its PVP with the added factor that zombies walk around slowing down your PVP experience (like I said before right now zombies are the "things making your loot run slower"). I want (thought Dayz) was a game were the PVP action was mostly because "is killing this person easier than getting the exact same loot without him in the long run?". If zombies and other "external" influences are made harder one would think twice about shooting anyone and would add to the adrenaline rush we get (got before the game was full of hackers).
  3. Glad to see many people think the same way I do. The game feels like it deprecated into something we were lead to believe it wasnt going to be. Could anyone post what Rocket actually said his view on what the game should be is/was?
  4. @Rugoz I understand what you are saying, but that could be easily be fixed with a different level of difficulty (which already exist). I dont want DayZ to be an MMORPG in the sense that I would not like to see a "Medic" class an "Engineer" class and so on. One should be able to define when you create a character some kind of "past experience" which will make you more effective in some areas (so for example if you put medic, your bandage will hold longer and have less % of getting infected), but the twist is that even if you clicked on "medic" at the beginning and you fix 10 cars, you should be able to become more efficient in car repairing. Also these experiences should get deleted as soon as you die. Also there are games like flight simulator where you actually can simulate a transatlantic flight.... and you can imagine how "boring" this could be for some, but for the people that always wanted to be a pilots this is "OMFG AWESOME!!!", so just because you dont find realism all that important in a game doesnt mean some people wont love it. @a_professional_medic Makes sense what you say, but I would say the devs should really think about how our "being alive" advantage should be translated into the game. I would really like the ability to sprint to decay after a short time, but be able to put some kind of distance between me and the zombie in this small amount of time. Picture this, yo go into town all sneaky and you turn a corner and see a zombie right infront of you, you then sprint in one direction as fast as you can for a couple of seconds and then have to slow down or even stop to take a breath behind a house, but you know the zombie saw you and will be moving in your general direction, while attracting more zombies. One thing that I didnt really think about while doing the OP is the fact, that if teamplay is made to be so important (which would make it realistic) the problem becomes how to keep people together? Imagine you have a small group of friends, but 2 are in vacation and wont play what do you do with them?or the other way around you always play with a clan and decide today you dont want to pay cause its sunny outside... should your whole team have to say.. "ok.. I guess we will play tomorrow cause one person doesnt want to play today??"
  5. @twinturbonet Oh sorry about the warz thing, but I have seen it mentioned on other posts. I guess that is why I didnt think it twice. I am no expert on the game, but zombies are a problem the first 10 max 20 mins of the game (which is the time it takes you to find an axe and an extra bandage). The rest of the time zombies are "does things getting in the way of me looting this place faster" instead of the reason you should really think about looting a place or not, and I think that is a major flaw. @Rugoz Walking 2 hours to get to a place you have to get to is part of life. I think this is where I differ from most people. Most people want it to be a game and I want it to be someting close to a "Virtual world where I dont really have to go to class or something, but survive a zombie outburst". I would be ok with more realism in the game. I bet if the game were more "real" teamplay would come automatically because that one n00b you found on the coast is worth more alive than dead (which is true IRL). Learn term goal? survive. I really dont know about zombies being faster or not, I mean they are rotten flesh and def should not be able to sprint like we do, but they also have one advantage... they are dead, that means they shouldnt need the resting, healing and other stuff that we mortals still have to deal with. Granted really slow zombies would be just as useless, but I suggest if zombies perform 80% what humans can I would be ok with it (think that 80% from your normal jog is still pretty fast and you cant jog forever, but they can walk forever). I also dont know why handguns, rifles are so easy to find, just laying around. Some countries have pretty tight gun control policies. Make lil towns have a police station and the woods have random "forest patrol houses" where you can find guns.
  6. Hello everyone, I don't really think this is a suggestion but I guess I will try my luck. I am asking myself what DayZ should really be (or better said what it has the potential of being). I will list a couple of things I think people want it to be and then I'll give my input. a) An MMORPG with safe zones, so that we can all trade and feel safe at some point during our gameplay. B) COD with the twist that you are not only going against people but also zombies c) A real survival game. I think what we have right now is B), but worse. Right now there is not even a need to look out for zombies, they are utterly useless and as soon as one learns 2 or 3 tricks you are never going to die from a zombie attack. Guns spawn left and right and I am not only talking about pistols but military grade guns, food is in every corner and medical equipment never goes bad. The survival is limited to eating, drinking and some basic healing. I am pretty sure nobody wants a) and if they did they can just wait for warz. Now to c). I say we should exploit the "survival issue" and I mean hardcore style. I have programmed (nothing with games) so I know some of this will sound really complex to make it into software, but lets leave that thinking to the devs. Surviving is really hard. We live in a world were we get everything we need at almost no work (i.e. you have to have money to get anything you want), but take that away and 90% of the population will find itself starving to death preatty fast. I am not even talking about hard stuff, I am talking about easy stuff "is this water potable?" "can I eat this meat?" "how do I bandage myself If I am the one injured" "How fast can I gather wood for a fire" "How long can I actually be productive in a day" "Do I have a good eyesight?" "Can I carry this big pile of things alone?" ... you get the idea. I mean the game should be people trying to survive on real world terms. I find it funny how we dont spawn with anything that might be used for defending, but as soon as we get an axe, a box of matches and a hunting knife, we become Rambo (i.e. we can chop down entire forests, gut a deer, start a fire, cook the meat, gut another deer in the process and so on). Also we can carry a toolbox, axe, primary weapon, secondary weapon, gps, map, our old grandmas and so on and we can still sprint like hell if we need to. Got bitten by a zombie? no problem bandage yourself (its not like its hard to bandage yourself when it is you who is in pain and stuff), got shot 2 times? no problem bandage yourself, have a broken leg? here this inyection will fix that not only instantly but with 0 side effects. Not even the batteries in our flashlights die off, really??. I think the problem was that the devs werent really sure if the game should be survivable or not. There is another zombie game (I wont name it, because I dont know all the forum rules), where all you can hope to do is survive X amount of days. You are gonna die, it doesnt matter what you do you'll die. Food becomes bad, taking pain killers has side effects, not sleeping as side effects, carrying too much has side effects, trying to repair something for the first time has consequences (things explode when you dont do it right), being alone makes you crazy, etc. That game has the survival thing pretty worked out, but it lacks the FPS and game immersion that DayZ has. I am pretty sure that if we make the game as hard (ok maybe not as hard but relatively hard) as real life, we will automatically see the number of bandits, the number of COD kiddies go down and the joy of play go up. I really dont know what the dev team is trying to achieve, but I was lead to believe that this was a survival game not COD with added dumb zombies.