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Everything posted by nifts

  1. i have been around for a long time and never say anything but the time has come.the only thing that is putting me off this game is not the time its taking (I hope they take as long as they need) it's the shit poor community! Why do you think the Devs owe you anything. Most of you are ungrateful shit bags. Go develop your own game if your tied of waiting! Knobs
  2. Not sure what's going on but the server kicked me off "ssession ended" or something and then the server went missing ( restarted I guess) now I cant connect back to it. I can see it but just stuck at joining? Cheers
  3. Great server guys, really enjoying the last couple of nights thanks to no hacks and friendly people. I may have a BBQ tonight if anyone is in need of some food, I have great pork and beef! Nifty