I just experienced the mentality of 90% of players in this game... I'm at nortwest airfield, have all sorts of awesome gear, and then i see a guy killing zombies with a hatchet (i guess he just dropped it to be silent) but i deside not to be a fuck retard and kill him so i went on, and then a minute later he shoots me in the back... That's just how awesome people that play this game is.. Sadly. Would be so awesome if atleast most people wouldnt be total retards and actually not just spray you down the second they see u, and maybe think: "That guy can maybe help me out and we can team up" instead of: "OMG there's another guy and he has a gun! I need to kill him instantly not even asking if the guy is friendly, because he's not" What if that guy actually was friendly, and maybe they could team up and be friends... It's sad :(