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lemmiwinks (DayZ)

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Everything posted by lemmiwinks (DayZ)

  1. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    i'm sorry but what's with all this health bs. it's the zombie apocalypse,it's desperate times and you get what you can! isn't there alcohol in the game!? you can trade the cigs for a chocolate bar! besides, it's just a game!!
  2. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    no sense of humour here :rolleyes:
  3. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    here's another reason why dogs should be introduced?
  4. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    i'd prefer to find chocolate bars...
  5. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Crossbow Quiver

  6. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire Gone 2 Far

    that sux
  7. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Crossbow Quiver

    i'm thinking a compound bow would have been better?!
  8. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire Gone 2 Far

    I've only noticed it recently as an annoyance, but barbed wire kinda shits me too. i've been able to get into certain places before but now i can't access them and i'm not so lucky finding 'tool boxes'. However, i just keep rollin' with the game...
  9. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care

    just found this article to do with a 75 year old german man accused of espionage in greece. very interesting. it looks as though there is something deeper here with greece and whom they want in their country? http://www.thegreekradio.com/node/3251
  10. lemmiwinks (DayZ) Bandit Skin vs. Backpack

    this happened to me. spawned with a 'bandit' skin but i was a female character (heard there's only the one skin for the girls), after a while it fixed itself back to normal character. when i was the bandit skin, i had zero humanity and the controls were all screwy. weird glitch. i thought maybe this was a hack, but i don't think so.
  11. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    takin a shit in the standalone

    now this is the thread of all threads. is this a suggestion for packets of imodium?
  12. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Looking for sexy woman to playing with

    have you picture of yourself in sexy mankini? :blink:
  13. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    whoops..sorry.. :ph34r:
  14. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    i think you are looking too deep into it. it's a game. ok we get it you hate the idea. don't worry about it.
  15. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    i'm not sure about the 'dog' idea either. from what people are saying the dog character has its advantages and disadvantages. all depends on the creaters in the end. maybe it could be an add on - so you don't need to have it/buy it or just an option to have a dog? and as 'Rocket' said it's only in his 'spare time', so not sure how serious it really is. i would like, however, to see the female get better equipped and before someone tells me off i know they are working on it.
  16. funny, i thought the same thing and as i usually play using the female skin, i wondered myself if the girl character isn't getting as much stuff as the guys. when i did happen to use the male character i got lots of stuff. maybe it does depend and especially how you search. then again, i must say i was lucky to get a bus the second time i played dayz. i guess keep looking and i've heard you have to wait outside areas for items to spawn.
  17. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Are dogs worth 2 months of development time?

    couldn't help myself. :)
  18. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Will female skins ever be viable?

    i hear ya sister!
  19. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Will female skins ever be viable?

    it would be good to see the female character be developed more and to be able to have other perks as the male characters.
  20. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    I find it kind of funny

    go this song in my head now :P
  21. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Fist fun

    punching a zombie to stun them so you can get out a tight spot would be handy.
  22. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    New Hack Going Around?

    it's annoying isn't it. i will have a look around the forum for more on this. thanks mate.
  23. lemmiwinks (DayZ)

    Graphic Issue

    we get this too, but some times it is so bad it's the entire screen is filled and all you see is white so can't see shit in front of you.