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About Tirithon

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    On the Coast
  1. Tirithon


    Character Name : Tirithon Why Are you good team player? : Well i know how to motivate other team players. How many hours per week do you play? : Well im playing everyday after work. Real Name : Alexander. What is your favourite weapon : My Favourite weapon must be AS50 or M4A1 Aim. How long have you played DayZ? : I have been playing DayZ for 6 month. What can you offer the clan ? : Well when people are down, i am the one who is always getting them up again Are you prepared to sacrifice your items to save Squad members ? : Yes ofc What is most important for you in DayZ : Well i think the most important thing in Dayz is finding your Squad member / Friend so you can start playing and having fun. Time Zone : GMT + 2 Age : 19