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About Sandrock62

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Define later. I'm switching to a night schedule for my job soon, so I will be on just before midnight and will play late into the night. I also have Teamspeak and my own server for us to talk. Steam Name: darkstalker62 DayZ name: Sandrock62
  2. Sandrock62

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame Name: Sandrock62 Steam Name: darkstalker62 Age: 19 Mic: Yes Preferred Role: Scavenger or Medic Timezone: Eastern Standard, I'm in Georgia Play Time: Currently my classes are from 0700 to 1600, so I try to play around 2000-2400, but this could changed if my classes changed schedule. Bandit: I've never tried to be one. Survivor: I just died.... Humanity: 2750 Hacker/Scripter: No, I don't know how. I I'm currently enlisted in the US Navy, so my schedule is subject to change. I do enjoy tthis game and I love hanging out and cracking jokes with people in a zombie apocalypse.
  3. 19, 20 in Feb. Enlisted in the US Navy, stationed out of Georgia right now, so that's Eastern Standard right? My experience is very little (I started playing on Friday the 31st.), but I'm learning quick. Skype Name: jon_highfield Steam Name: darkstalker62 DayZ Name: Sandrock62 I'm a pretty nice guy, a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but nice. I like to be at the head of the pack but I can adapt to most roles. I don't shoot unless fired upon first, and I try to be helpful to all I come across. Due to my job, my schedule can change on a weekly basis, but I can operate at almost any hour. I also have teamspeak if needed.
  4. By the gods..... is there a video of this as well? Also, the one and only time I've reached 'endgame' was with about six other guys, we rode around on a helicopter taking recently dead survivors back to their corpses.
  5. Sandrock62

    Looking for more, 18+.

    Hey, 19 here. I'm off and on depending on my classes as well, but my Steam account is darkstalker62. My DayZ name is Sandrock62. I'm pretty new to DayZ, but I'm learning quick. I do have teamspeak, but I'm also new to that.
  6. Sandrock62

    DayZ Stories

    So I just started playing DayZ a few days ago. I'd been hearing about it for awhile and I'd finally gotten my hands on a computer strong enough to handle the game. Needless to say, my first few days were basically a cycle of spawn and pick one- getting chased and chomped or sneaking and getting blown away. But yesterday (3 Sept 2012) I had a change in luck. I was sneaking through an industrial area (I'm not too familiar with the towns to tell you where.), I had managed to find an AKM and three mags off of a hunting stand, but I had yet found a need to use it. Suddenly, I heard the familiar whup-whup-whup of what could only be a helicopter. Curious, and a little dumbstruck that someone had manged to put one together, I came out into the open. It was risky, I knew, but the chance for help was worth it to me. My gamble paid off... big time. In the span of the next few hours, I found out about Teamspeak and joined a merry band of survivors who were doing "rescue missions". We would go to the beaches when someone died and try to get them back to their bodies. We also have given rides to random players whom we've come across. This has only backfired once, and we lit the sonovabitch up with the side guns for shooting at us when we were offering help. All in all, I'm enjoying Co-oping with these new-found friends way more than Banditry ever could be for me. Thanks Pun, TaCo, and Dreco, you guys let me in and helped me out, faith in my fellow gamers: alive and kicking.