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Everything posted by baibro

  1. Actually the only person who will be effected with a ping that high is the person with the high ping them self, if other players shot at them on sight they will die, even if on the high ping players screen they missed. Also I had a server one and i had the ping cap on 1000 but i was getting kicked with my ping of 600.
  2. Removing the pingcap wont overburden or strain the server. Please consider this as we will br recording alot over the holidays soon and it will help get more people on the server! Also we may consider donating in the future.
  3. Whats that supposed to mean? Arma`s netcode is set so that high ping dosent effect anything with other players on the server. So will you remove it?
  4. I have a group of about 10 players who would love to join your server and record for youtube as well to help your server grow. Only if you remove the ping cap so we can JOIN!
  5. Remove the ping cap and my friends will play on your servers and record for youtube to help your community. By the way why are all three servers have different names? I noticed one said DGR. Also have you considered making an enjin page for your clan? my friends and I would be happy to join. I am looking forward to your responce, Baibro...
  6. Hay man same, u should go to neds post it has more people applying, I hope it goes through
  7. Skype and steam : baibro And when I said lonely I ment in the game
  8. Hi I'm thirteen and I'm getting lonely and I really suck when I'm alone, I'd really like to join your group. I'm from the hunter valley in nsw and if this group is going ahead we need a private site or something so, is this going ahead Ned?