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About deruu

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Watching him loot a weapon crate he just spawned
  2. I've got a few friends living in modern suburban areas with terrible internet connections. And while my internet connection is stable right now, I've experienced having an unstable connection in the past. That said, I'd take getting killed while my internet cut out over falling victim of a cowardly exploiter. I love DayZ, but I rarely play it today. On two occasions I've been gunned down by a bandit who mistakedly assumed I was alone, while looting my body my friends would open fire only to have the bandit D/C with half of my gear. How's that for unfair? I can not imagine I'm the only one who've had similar experiences with this exploit, and I can't imagine I'm the only one who are reluctant to play because of it. I get that it'd be unfair for those with unstable internet connections, but you can't leave a game breaking exploit in the game just because the only currently available viable solution would be inconvenient for a few. I wouldn't be surprised if you can't prevent the game from removing the player from the game when he disconnects, but I can think of a few work arounds. Then again, I'm not overly experienced with ArmA scripting, nor do I know how DayZ is structured so all I can do is inaccurately theorize.
  3. deruu

    No sound when joining server

    I had DayZ updated, turns out it was because the servers I joined weren't running the latest version.
  4. deruu

    No sound when joining server

    Me and a friend are getting this as well. Can hear sound briefly, then it stops.
  5. deruu

    Quit quit quit...

    Some of the suggestions are overkill. Flagging the player while they are getting shot at, then forcing them to remain until that flag is cleared is more than enough. And it shouldn't be any longer than 30 seconds, if whomever you're shooting at has the chance to hide behind cover and hit disconnect, and actually successfully disconnect before you can make your way over, then so be it. It'd suck, but for me that's not the issue. The issue for me is when people disappear when you're just about to kill them.
  6. deruu

    Quit quit quit...

    I rarely initiate attacks against other players unless I feel like that's the only way out of a confrontation. But this one time I logged on and I was starving and I was thirsty, I wandered for a very long time and lost quite a bit of blood. Seemed like I'd soon be dead, when I spotted another survivor not too far away from me. Usually I'd avoid other players at all costs, but I really didn't want to lose all that fancy gear I had. So, I opened fire, fairly sure I hit him at least once. Poof. The guy disconnected. What started out as a very game defining moment turned into a very frustrating game breaking exploit. I really felt less motivated to continue playing. Having the player remain a few seconds after disconnect would be ideal, but as already mentioned the engine might not support a clean way of doing so. One thing is clear though, there needs to be severe penalties for disconnecting when things get tough.