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About SirTewtzMahGewtz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    I am dead and can not respawn

    just wait out its happend to me i played bubble shooter while i waited xD
  2. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    you should spawnit more (:
  3. i dont know how to lower my wep, imma nooobie :( i know how to get to you guys though
  4. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    Banned from dallas 303

    curse the hacker who brought it in the game!
  5. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    (VIDEO) DayZ Chruch raid Gone Wrong -FUNNY,FAIL -

    lol "IM FRIENDLY"
  6. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    DayZ Gameplay w/ Friends! + Lol moments

    nice luck on that random guy dieing haha
  7. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    Kind of annoying not being able to suicide

    use a flare dude
  8. SirTewtzMahGewtz

    Looking For Group
