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Everything posted by onaabys@gmail.com

  1. Added automatic punish for voice in sidechat and pictures of some of the custom areas on the map!
  2. Gimpus Maximus Welcome to Gimpus Maximus! Hardcore Overwatch server! Only 1st person view OW server at this point!!! IP: xxx.xx.xx.xx PORT: xxxx Contact: gimpusmaximus@gmail.com Server details [Veteran] difficulty -Slots: 50 -Location: Germany -Mod: Overwatch -Map: Chernarus -Time: Always daytime -Crosshair: ON -Tracers: OFF -Nameplates: OFF -3rdperson: OFF -DeathMessages: ON (no who kill who crap) -Side Chat: OFF -Waypoints: ON Features * Antihack * Hardcore * 1st person view * Custom loot (New special buildings) * Balanced loot (high power weapons rare) * Custom buildings * More added weapons (About 100 new weapons) * Gender selection (Fred's Wardrobe) * NPCs (Static, dynamic, car patrols and heli patrols) * NPC custom loot * Debug monitor * Self blood bag * Remove parts * Remove skins from bodies * More heli crash sites * Auto refuel * 400+ Vehicles * More vehicles (Alot of new spawning vehicles) * Stalker Skin * Custom map markers for new buildings * 4 hour restart (can be more for updates) * No donation crap! Dosent matter if you are admin, clan player or a gimpy player, you start with the same gear as anyone else! * Starting gear: Tazer!!!! * Hosted By HFBServers.com WARNING!!! No, this is not an easy server to play on!!! NPCs are hard and you will die alot!!! Server rules - No cheat/hacks - No combat logging - No voice over side chat (Its disabled) Map changes * New buildings at Devil's Castle * New buidlings at Elektro * New buildings at Othmel Islands * New buidlings Berezino * New town at Novy Lug (095, 040) * Added North Airfield and surrounding area at location 065 012! * Klen bandit camp * North ammo depot at location 054 021! (special loot with alot of ammo)
  3. Added North Airfield! :) Had to remove 4h day/night cycle because it started to lag like crazy after a while. :( Chibs: When server is passworded it means we are testing/adding something new or fixing bugs. darkkilla32: We are using HFBServers.com. If you check the features you have it at the end of the list. :)
  4. Added 4h day/night cycle. Under testing so not sure yet if it stays. Chibs: Yes noticed you where inside, hope you liked it. :)
  5. New IP after provider had some troubles with servers. More buildings added at Devil's Castle.
  6. Gimpus Maximus 2 Welcome to Gimpus Maximus 2! Private Hive! IP: PORT: 3374 Contact: gimpusmaximus@gmail.com NEW DAYZ OVERWATCH SERVER!!!!!! Server details [Veteran] difficulty -Slots: 50 -Location: Netherlands (Amsterdam) -Map: Chernarus -Time: GMT -5 -Crosshair: ON -Tracers: OFF -3rdperson: ON -DeathMessages: ON -Side Chat: ON -Waypoints: ON Features * More buildings * Gender selection (using Fred's Wardrobe) * More weapons! Added alot of new weapons! * Custom loot * Custom loot heli crashes * NPCs (both roaming and guarding high value places) * More heli crash sites * Auto refuel * 400+ vechiles (alot of spawnpoints around the coast) * Full moon nights * Starting gear: Machete of doom! * Added more vechiles!! * Carepackages! AN2 plane flying in and dropping carepackages! * 3 hour restart (can be more for updates) * Hosted by DayZ.ST Server rules - No cheat/hacks - No combat logging - No voice over side chat Map changes * Castle Elektro * Devil's Castle extra buildings * Kamenka extra buildings (Firestation, supermarket + more residential) * Othmel islands extra buildings * Zelenogorsk extra buildings (Firestation + more residential/Industrial) * New town at Novy Lug (095, 040) * Skalisty Island military camp. * Klen bandit camp. Old military base taken by bandits! * NEAF extra buildings
  7. Server down for the moment because Dayz.st seems to have some problems atleast at my location. :(
  8. For the moment the following weapons (maybe have missed some): Škorpion vz. 61 AK-107 kobra AK-107 pso AK-107 GL kobra AK-74 GL AK-74 GL kobra AKS-74 pso Bizon (not silenced) SVD (not camo) M24 desert MK12 SPR M16a4 (red dot) M16A4 GL M16A4 ACG GL Vechiles are a few more different types of Lada, more different types of Urals, policecar, more different types of motorcycles. Was about 20-25 more weapons who worked before the 1.7 patch and about 5-10 different more vechiles. :(