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Dr. Hawk

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Everything posted by Dr. Hawk

  1. Not trying to blow my own horn but heres video proof. Everyone always says SHOOT ON SIGHT or KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES or what not, well look I found 5 friendly people willing to chill, even 2 bandits. I also apologize for the abrupt end, Skype canceled out my sound and when I went to relog to fix it the recording stopped. The sniper still killed me though...
  2. True, like I said, do away with humanity and replace with unlockable clothing, respective to what you do, banditry, healing, hunting, whatever...
  3. I would honestly like to see humanity done away with though, as it still is wonky how I get penalized when I return fire for being shot at.
  4. Ya this was all fun till we got shot :(
  5. Dr. Hawk

    How Do You Roleplay?

    My name is DrHawk. I help people... And Fly!
  6. Dr. Hawk

    ammo / supply ratio!

    Have at least two food sources and two drinks... The rest of the space is your choosing.
  7. Dr. Hawk

    Looking for Real Survivors.

    lxdrhawkxl, but I agree with others, I smell a trap... Anyone got feedback?
  8. As the title says, You can find me in US 1374 if you want to engage in Jolly Cooperation with me. Skype is lxdrhawkxl and I go by DrHawk in game. I want to meet to other people for once instead of hiding from them all :/
  9. lxdrhawkxl for Jolly Cooperation, DrHawk ingame
  10. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    Just thought I'd swoop down and say hello to all. I keep getting shot when I try to speak so maybe text will work better... I have grasped the underworkings of the game however and am looking for other chatty people. I do this in hope of finding peeps to play with, as so far everyone I meet in DayZ is a COD player with an itchy trigger finger. What ever happened to JOLLY COOPERATION???
  11. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    If only...
  12. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    Oops, sorry for the mishap...
  13. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    I figured running up, saluting while talking came off less agressive than crouched 50m away, behind cover with a rifle pointed at them... I'm a Sunbro, so I will engage in conversation through Jolly means...
  14. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    I tried this but to a limited extent. Generally I just run up and say hi. However I don't know if my push to talk is even working, I have YET to hear a single soul in the game outside of skype or Teamspeak.
  15. Dr. Hawk

    The DR. is in

    I have yet to go to Stary...