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Posts posted by Nedmonds

  1. J-Dub, don't worry, i don't care if you play the stand alone or not.

    Yay! lets play a game with Vehicles around every corner, and spawn with a full load out! AS-50 Thermal, Ghillie, NV's. Because i know for damn sure that if the Apocalypse did happen there would be all of those weapons within 100 miles of where i live...

    I wish i could go back in time and birth slap you. Want to play casual. Go play BF3, K thx bye

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  2. Mooreee detail, the only reason i could picture these places is because i have actually been there.

    Expand on things. Wouldnt there be alarms going off if everyone on base was being attacked, gun fire etc.

    Other than his name being jack and he has a gun thats all i know about him.

    Why dont you begin before the infection. Surely the people at the base, being military would know something was up, reports of an outbreak etc? Let us know who these people are.

    Also consistancy, they just got back from the patrol of the woods, back being back at base? Ran in the direction of the car? What car? Car they were driving in the woods?

    Take what you have as a referance point and start right at the beggining :)

  3. Hey People,

    I don't normally post on the forums, i browse a lot check whats happening with the SA etc.

    But this shit has totally enraged me!

    Me and my friend were playing on this server when a custom skinned dude starts dancing in front of us and attracting zombies, i then shot him repeatedly, im a bandit this is what i do! He had a tasty gun as well that i would have liked.

    He didn't die, he ran after us looked at us and sniped us both. i had a lee enfield, my friend had an axe....

    Turns out it was Admin and he was using "custom" admin tools that are used to stop hackers...by hacking.

    His excuse on side chat was, Admins are allowed to have fun too. And he would give us new gear...

    Basically if you want to play on a server where the Admins can kill you when ever they like join this one! If not then avoid it like the plague!.

    also "Dataxe" if you read this, you are so far up the admins ass, it would be hard to tell where you ended and he begins...

    Again Avoid!

  4. You do realise how much training goes into hitting a traget 1000 metres away with a sniper rifle. Or how much training goes into surviving in harsh terrain with limited/no supplys. There are only certain areas of realism that can be maintained without killing the game.

    You answered some of your own questions there. Yes there would be trains abandoned on the track. Thats whe whole point, im not asking the developers to have us build our own train network. as with having a working train system after an apocolypse, why not? have the zombies ripped up the railway line? I mean the is a railway line in the game right now, it isnt used for anything but there are roads, with cars, motorbikes, quads, jeeps, vans and army vehicles.

    "Trains are too big, too obtuse. You would just be an even bigger target"

    A target for what? The people who are capable of running after a train? Arent the cars that drive about cherno beeping there hornes and flashing their lights a target?

  5. That would then really mean the removal of every vehicle from the game? I mean Cars run on fuel? Do fuel station have a never ending supply of it? No one would be getting sniped, they can stop the train where ever they like and get off, leaving it for the next people, no more forests full of every vehicle on the server. Trains from my understanding would be a lot easier to drive than say an army personnel carrier. This game is about survival yes, and me personnaly if i was wandering about and found an old locamotive i would be trying to figure out every way in which to get the thing running. You cant suddenly start to wipe out thing that exist prior to the zombies

  6. Ok, so the game will be set in modern day russia, there may not be any sign of the union, but the architecture is still there and its still influences peoples perception of russia. I still think this should be a big facet of the game.

    I was thinking as well what about trains?? A Train that circulates the map, smaller towns into the big citys, it cannot be destoryed or stolen, it provides people with a method of travel and the risk involved is getting on an already crowded train full of potential assholes or letting people on a train you have found abandoned somewhere on the map???

  7. Ok if we are getting a stand alone version of this game i think care should be taken on not jus the mechanics of the game (rag doll physics, improved weather systems etc) But the actual environment we are playing in! For me this plays a massive part in the overall immersion and emotional aspects of the game.

    I already have mass panic attacks when im sitting in the trees with my sniper rifle and i hear branches breaking close to me, or when i can see mass zombies in a town and know other people are present. But even when there is no one around me im still scanning everywhere hoping to god im not going to instantly see a black you are dead screen.. This is in a game with terrible graphics and hideous bugs.

    I think the game should be given a darker, colder feel to it. Having it look like Soviet Russia.

    Snow! lots of it, the implementation of snow could allow for a few different additions to the game.

    Snowmobile type vehicles?

    Arctic camo (white gillie suit type)

    Blood, you shoot someone, they bleed, they run and leave a blood trail.

    Signs of the old soviet regime, Big Statues of Jo Stalin, Old horribly constructed palaces, full of goodies!.

    I mean back in the day Stalin has his tower blocks build too allow everyone to spy on their neighbours, i think these big tower blocks in citys would not only look good, they would give people cover from the mass of snipers hiding in the hills and allow for a bit of close combat/team work.

    There should be lakes etc, but they should also be covered in ice. Imagine having a horde of zombies after you and having to run onto an ice lake, with the fear it could crack and the lot of you could fall in at any moment :)

    With the weather comes the cold, the cold effects you and if your caught running about siberia in a snow storm expect to quickly die, unless you have trenching tools, tent etc. Further out of the citys could be the smaller towns, with exceptional loot and veihcles. But only the well equiped or a team could get there, this provides an incentive not to shoot everyone on sight! this will also encourage higher geared people to explore more and leave the new spawns to look for gear and friends!

    Guns should be more russian, i dont understand why there are so many american rifles in the game.

    Chopper Crashes! why cant we see this in action?? AI obviously. Running through the game you hear a chopper over head, starts spinning out of control and crashes into the map, smoke billows out and alerts every other player in the area that a chopper has gone down, this will stop people camping the crash spots and allow for a very fun situation as everyone will want the loot, but who will be willing to share :)

    Ill update as i think of more!

    All criticism is welcome constructive or not (this is the internet after all)

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  8. I logged onto Day Z for the first time last night to see what all the fuss was about

    My character "Neil" spawned on a beach and i headed for the first town. Along the motorway and

    right into the path of about 10 zombies, i was chased for miles eventually trapped in a house and killed.

    This was my first experience...

    "Neil" was once again spawned onto a beach, this time i crawled into town

    managed to get into a building and find some supplies, Pepsi, and some medical stuff

    I was pretty much on edge for the whole time as i have nothing to defend my self with!

    Managed to crawl into another building and found a hatchet! I can actually kill stuff now!

    im ready to take on the zombie world! i mean they only have hands and teeth... I have a godamn axe!

    On my way out of town im surrounded by zombies and start crawling along the ground.. Taking my time not to be seen.

    When out of no where another Human appears! A friend! one of us.. or so i thought. Turns out he has a gun and want to shoot me in the face

    Little does he know (he prob does) gunshots create noise and noise attracts zombies in the masses!.

    He gave up trying to shoot me and turned on the zombies. At which point i ran up with my axe and caved his head in!.

    I got a Gun, Rifle, Map, etc etc so that turned out pretty good!

    Thanks "Robert" your greed got you killed by an axe wielding noob :P

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