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About natex690

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    On the Coast
  1. Trololololololololololololololol.
  2. Eh, board games have a winner and an end to the game, this does not. Once you have end game 'power-ups' what else is there to do that you need? Short answer, nothing. At the point is when people turn DM type of play, since at that point there is nothing to do.
  3. natex690

    Hunting; a revamp

    I like the idea of adding more to the hunting game, but, 1000 blood for a rabbit is a bit to high. I mean does it even have 1000 blood total? Plus I'm sure 99% of people would say a steak would be more filling then a rabbit. IMO this could be balanced tho, if each meat cured a different amount of hunger and changed how fast it dropped. So rabbit being a lean as it is could add a boost so it doesn't drop as fast or something along that.
  4. natex690


    So he is the run down. Im looting NWAF, have cleared both barracks going back to the one I started with to see what has repopped, when I hear what sounds like a SAW going off from the one I just left.So I take my leave and come back about an hour later, when I see 2 heli crash sites in the middle of the runway not even 50m apart and I would guess about 35-40 dead cows,pigs,and sheep in the middle of the runway as well. So not sure if I missed the 2 heils my first run but seems like hacks.