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About Jad3n144

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    On the Coast

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    Just another Survivor trying to make it in the big Chernarus. I am not a bandit, and I will swear that upon my life. But if you fire upon me, I swear to god I will tear your ass up like the Marines tore up Fallujah, Iraq.

    "I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all." - General James "Maddog" Mattis
  1. Jad3n144

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    See, I didn't even know about this ship wreck. I'm guessing it's a good military loot spawn on the east coast?
  2. Jad3n144

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    Well, where do THOSE people go? I mean, in the mod, the three main places there were folks was NWAF, Cherno, and Electro. I enter either town and all I get is zombies. Not one player.
  3. So, my group of five guys and myself have been running around Stand alone for the past 4 days IN FULL SERVERS and have only came across one guy in the NWAF (who I shot because he fired upon us) and a dead guy bleeding in Dubky. WHERE THE HELL DO ALL THE PLAYERS GO! Is everyone in Electro? the NEAF? Help a brother out.
  4. ... Are there any actual Marines in this thing? As in United States Marines?
  5. Jad3n144

    Guns and Mags

    So, a few things there, young devil: As far as the weapons go, eh, I guess you could add a couple of different weapon models. There really isn't any need to, but you could. The World War 2 era weapons idea should not be added. I'm sorry. Realize what time frame this game takes place in. It takes place in a modern day world of a POST SOVIET COUNTRY. You know what was the symbol of the Soviet era? The Kalashnikova or AK-47. the PPSh and Mosin Nagant are really not sen that much. There's a lot of them out there, yes, but they're collector items. Not many people take them out to shoot. Well, maybe the newer replicas they do, but not the legit ones. Also, the Lee Enfield was the standard issued rifle of the British and Common wealth forces from about 1890's to about... 1960's (someone fact check me on that.) Why the hell it's in a Soviet country is beyond me. And, of course, you would never find a American Thompson or M1 Garand laying around here. Hell, not many weapons use stripper clips anymore like the M1. However, becuase this is a post Soviet era world and the AK-47 is still wildly used in this part of the world, I suggest more AK varieties. Shit, it's one of the cheapest, widest distributed weapon in the world. Shouldn't be that hard. Attachments. No, this isn't Call of Duty. I can see where you're going with what you are saying, but I really don't like the idea of throwing a 12x scope on an A4 and suppressing me with 5.56 from across Cherno. That's a sure way to make people start punching their screens out of frustration. But, I will agree with adding a Surefire (flashlight) onto weapons, IF THEY HAVE A RAIL SYSTEM ON THE WEAPON. Meaning, Weapon's like the M16A4 (and only the M16A4) and the M Carbines. AK varieties don't have side rail systems. At least, not the ones in the game. Not saying those don't exist in Real life, which they do. So, unless the developers decided to add a rail system to the AK weapon models, I say no attachments for AKs. Shotguns are fine in my opinion. I mean, most of them suck ass, but if you know how to use them, they're awesome. Uhm... Snipers. They're also fine. Don't fuck with those. The Machine Guns. I really appreciate how the developers of both ArmA and DayZ kept the realism of the M249 in the way of using it as a belt feed or a magazine feed weapon. Granted, in real life, using a mag will surely jam the weapon. Happens all the time. It's just ool that they allowed that little feature in the game. The M240B is probably my most favorite weapon in real Life. So no complaints here. Just that it's heavy as shit. And as for that... Other weapon... Whatever the fuck that thing is. It's basically the 240, just with a scope and some paint. Now, you said something about the ammunition and I believe someone has already mentioned this, but you can't use Makarov mags with M9. M9 Beretta is 9×19mm Parabellum while the Makarov is the 9x18 mm Makarov. Can't do that. Just like how you can't shoot 7.62 out of a 5.56 and vice versa. BUT, what I do suggest is, I notice that players carry around a lot of have used mags of ammunition sometimes. Example: the player is using a 5.56 caliber weapon, lets say an M4A1 and they shoot off a few rounds out of one and drops the mag done to.. 25 rounds left. They Reload, smack in a fresh 30 round mag. Suddenly they go full retard and pop off 25 rounds out of that one mag, leaving only 5 rounds left. Now, here's my point. Why the hell can't I combined the remaining rounds with what I have left into one mag? I'm sure any smart person in real life would do this. I don't want to carry around an extra mag of barely any rounds. It's just a way to free up space. That's about it I think. Also, as a side note: in real life, you would never load a 5.56 mag up with thirty rounds, just 28. If you put a full 30, it weakens the spring and it doesn't properly feed into the weapon. But, it it just a video game, so it doesn't matter B) Just a zombie survival tip for the future.
  6. Jad3n144

    need help

    Yes that's a hack, and don't worry. You're fine. I remember a very similiar story like this involving me, except I got away! I was on a lop pop server really late at night. The only ones on the server were maybe 4 other players, my buddy, and myself. My buddy and I were running around in devils castle just goofing around when he said, "Oh hey, I'm tabbing out to check the map" I said "okay, I'm gonna run down to Stary and check the tents" While on the way there, the game says two players died. I figured they were together and ignored it. Before i contine, let me just explain that I had NVGs and my buddy didn't. Anyway. by this point, my buddy had return from AFK and was sitting by a camp far at Devil's Castle waiting for me. Then the screen went black and I was suddenly in a circle with every other person on the server in the middle of a street in Elektro. I was like "HOLY SHIT." My buddy ALT-F4'd, but I ran and went around a building. I start hearing gun fire and the system said that players had died and yada yada yada. I guess the hacker didn't noticed I snuck around the back :P I hit the deck and hit abort. Joined another server and realized I just survived a hacker experience and still had my gear. Excited as shit!
  7. Jad3n144

    Cheater on RU18

  8. Jad3n144

    Remove Thermal Abilities From Weapons

    I agree on the whole "rarity" of this weapon (L85). I found mine in a tent north of Cherno with two others to spare and give to my buddies. That was about 15 days ago. Since then, I've seen this maybe... 6 more times? It's all these damn hackers and theres not a damn thing we can do about it until the Devs can fix the Hacker problem. Now, as for the thermal, I can't even count how many times the baby has saved the life of my buddies doing Cherno/Elektro raids. 0300 on a server, pitch black, server of only ten and of course, at least 5 of those people are in the city we're looting. They never saw me, but I saw them from 600 meters out... ... Which is pretty much bullshit. Yeah, sure. I've killed a couple snipers using it and done some good deeds with it, but it's thermal ability is just really ridiculous. I keep wanting to get myself to drop it, but I never do. EDIT: And fuck the zoom on the scope. It's either use the scope or hip fire. And both of those suck.