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About Kayvoo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skype: doc.garlic Age: 15 (very soon 16) In-game: Kayvoo Country: Denmark (GMT+1) Player Type: Experienced Pilot and general/support type. NOTES: I am an experienced DayZ player and i have been playing almost since DayZ was released. I quickly got my own server and could therefor practice flying wich is my prefeered thing to do. I am not that good at fighting in general but hey. I am probably going to fly or drive anyways ;) Hope you will consider me. I hate being a lone wolf.
  2. Kayvoo


    Age (Don't lie!): 15 (very soon 16) Location: Denmark GMT + 1 Do you have skype?: Yes! (doc.garlic) Is your mic of a good quality?: Professinal Mic: t.bone SC 440 Secret word 1: Crooked Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: I Accept! Secret word 2: The Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I swear my full loyalty to this clan and all it's members. Why do you want to join?: I have always enjoyed DayZ alot more with friends but all my friends are terrible at the game ressulting in never doing anything usefull. Being in a clan have always been a huge thing for me and finally achieving it would be huge for me. I also really like the idea of being commanded by others. It makes things more easy. Regards - Jonas "Kayvoo" Præstegaard
  3. Hey everyone. My name is Kayvoo (in-game as well) and i have a mission. I am a veteran Helicopter Pilot and i am sick of getting killed trying to repair my Heuey. I have crashed 3 helicopters in my life. 1. Was in the armory on purpuse. 2. Was because of my new settings. and 3. Was my being terrible. I am very loyal and i hate being alone in DayZ. I agree with Frankie and i don't like killing people. If i get accepted in a clan with a helicopter then i would require nothing more than food and drink and a simple weapon. Please contact me on Skype: "doc.garlic" or on e-mail kayvoo7163@gmail.com i also have TeamSpeak 3 and Mumble etc. I will hope that your clan out there will consider this. And i would of course be more than glad to go through some trials or something to test my loyality. Best Regards - Kayvoo