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Everything posted by kevinyoki2

  1. So yesterday I joined a random server, us 3032. I played for only a couple hours. During this time, I found a truck at solichniy quarry, went scavenging for parts around the east coast, fixed the truck 100%, parked in a secluded forest, and logged off. I did not meet anyone, loot any tents or vehicles, or possess any hacked items. This afternoon I log in to drive up to meet my buddy, and it says that I have been admin banned. What's going on? (and I was not using scripts or whatever, I never have.) oh by the way my IGN was KevinYOKI
  2. kevinyoki2

    Weird stuff in US 1212

    Just as an update, US 1212 as of now has no zombies or items whatsoever.
  3. kevinyoki2

    Banned for absolutely no reason?

    It gave no reason, it said something along the lines of: Batteye: Admin Ban (Admin Ban)
  4. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    He's got a point though, and I understand why he's upset. Summer has passed with almost no progress in improving the game. Myself I rarely got the graphical glitches so the game is basically the same as it was beginning of summer (at least I feel it is). Tents are still not fixed. And since Rocket, intentionally or not, delayed significant development over a long period of time, there's going to be a lot of pissed players. And they have a right to be bitter, because although the game is free for now, it was their support that made the standalone possible (and also $$$). Players feel deceived when the game fails to have the functionality that makes it a game, when you get killed more by glitches than by legitimate reasons (I'm talking game breaking glitches such as spawning with no gear, dying by standing on a rock, etc.). Yes, "it's in alpha", and that's exactly my point. The alpha stage by definition shouldn't even allow testers, and is a very progressive time when developers iron out the glitches so the testers in beta can test properly. In relation to dayz, the glitches are being fixed infrequently, and players are forced to test a broken game. A lot of people, including me, have bought arma2:co exclusively to play dayz, and although technically we didn't pay for the mod, we feel let down as the game does not meet the expectations that we derive from the colorful description of the game from the beautiful website of dayz. I mean, hands down they did an awesome job coming this far, but they're professionals now. No room for faulty patches and whatnot. which also directly stimulates people to hack (and/or dm) all over the place now. They see no point in playing a game that is ridden with glitches. They don't care if they get banned, it's just about messing around as much as possible before they get banned. Now if the game were actually functional I feel that it would inhibit some players from hacking as they will lose an actual valuable thing if they get banned. You say it's impossible to get rid of hackers? Try fixing up the game to an appealing state.
  5. kevinyoki2

    Banned for absolutely no reason?

    Nope, I'm being completely honest. I am certain that I have 0 hacked items, and I am a fairly new player so I don't even understand what scripting is. And as said above, I did not leave out any details, that's just straight up all I did. Found truck, went looting, fixed truck, hid truck, logged off. Did not encounter other player nor did I loot any tents or other vehicles.
  6. kevinyoki2

    Banned for absolutely no reason?

    Nope, my installation is clean. I don't even know what scripts are. I have downloaded no addons or extensions that run on top of the game or whatnot.
  7. Same thing happened to me today. The weird thing is that my atv and tent disappeared WHILE I and other players were logged in.
  8. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Alright this is ridiculous. This morning I was playing on an updated (and rather popular in the afternoon) server. I had a tent and an ATV placed in a remote location on the map. I decided to go looting in Berezino. In case I didn't survive I placed some valuables in the tent. I hoped that even if the tent did not save, I would be able to get to it before a server restart in case I died. I drove my ATV to the northeast corner of Berezino and did a sloppy job of hiding it next to a tree and a bush. After an unsuccessful trip of looting I came back to where I parked my ATV. It was gone. Even though there were only four people in the server at the time, I accepted that it probably got stolen. I ran back to my tent location to pick up my valuables and log off. When I got to it the tent was not there. It had disappeared. Now keep in mind that this was an extremely good hiding spot between two gigantic bushes and a rock in a thick forest. Plus no one could pack the tent except me. Then I realized my vehicle wasn't stolen, it had simply disappeared along with my tent. I checked a nearby location of another broken down ATV, and it was gone as well. This led me to the conclusion that all tents and vehicles were somehow erased from the server while people were still logged onto it. Is this the work of a hacker? Or is it a rare glitch?
  9. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That's a pretty retarded statement. This happens whether you hop servers or not. It's completely unpredictable. I've gone on a random server one morning and I log in dead. It happens on my favorite servers sometimes as well. I've been kicked for ping too high once and it happened on the immediate next server I joined. It's been happening more often now. I believe this glitch should receive more attention than the tents or vehicles as of right now. Losing extra items inside tents I can handle, but randomly losing all the gear on my person for an illegitimate reason is completely unfair.
  10. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I've just tested the tents again and I can confirm that they are still broken. Here's what happened (and please keep in mind I do always remember to save): I put up tent A yesterday and I put my as50 and 5 mags in it. I parked my ATV with several car parts inside next to it. Both were well hidden and far from towns or roads. This morning (after a server restart) everything in the tent was gone. But the ATV and the items inside were intact. So to confirm my suspicions I put up tent B a few meters away and put a cooked meat in it. Tonight (after a server restart) I check tent B and sure enough the cooked meat is gone. I check tent A to see if my originally placed as50 and 5 mags reappeared, but it is still empty. My ATV is completely intact with all the stuff in it. Conclusion: use vehicles as tents.
  11. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Agree. At first I was like: "look at those lame copycats". But now I realize they probably made a game less buggy and more functional than dayz will ever be.
  12. Nah, I don't think so. The tent I pitched after the update (which I picked up the same day) lost its stuff. My tents that were pitched before the update were still there after the update but just disappeared after a server restart. I have no clue what's going on.
  13. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Of course. I'm always paranoid about saving. But at least the vehicles seem to work. I had a bunch of car parts in my atv and they got saved. Lost my stuff in the tent next to it though. WTF is going on. also I had pitched two tents in the same server before the update. They were still there yesterday after the update. So I put some medical supplies in there. Today those tents disappeared not to mention the supplies inside them.
  14. Yeah, sorry I meant, but anyway. That seems like a possibility and I understand your skepticism. However: A. My tent was located in a thick forest with cliffs and hills and no roads for at least a mile. I highly doubt anyone would drive their vehicle here. B. My tent was located in a highly remote location, far from any points of interest, and it was extremely well hidden next to a large rock and two bushes. It's invisible unless you know exactly where it is. C. My ATV had 2 jerry cans, 1 engine part, 1 fuel tank part, and 1 scrap metal all left intact inside. If I were a looter with a vehicle I would definitely consider these valuable items. D. I forgot to mention that I had two of my old tents up about 30 meters away with some medical supplies in them, hidden but not as well as my newest one. They completely disappeared after server restart. Which leads me to believe that the glitch still exists. However the vehicles seems to be fixed. For now I recommend using vehicles as your main storage device.
  15. Apparently the tents did not get fixed in I put my as50 and 5 mags in a tent yesterday and today my shit is gone. Looting is not a possibility because they would have taken my atv next to the tent. Thanks for the lie.
  16. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Good job fixing the vehicles, but what the hell? Tents are NOT fixed. I repeat, tents are NOT FIXED. Yesterday I put my as50 and 5 mags in a brand new tent that I pitched in a highly secluded spot in a relatively empty server (that was updated of course). I parked my ATV next to it as well. Today the tent is absolutely empty. I know it was not looted because the ATV (also with some valuables inside which was thankfully saved) should have been gone as well if it were looted. This is what I get for having too much faith in a glitch-ridden game like this.
  17. kevinyoki2

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Has the "respawning at the beach with no gear" glitch even been addressed yet? I mean, props to you for fixing the tent and vehicles but in my opinion the no gear respawn glitch was of more urgent need of attention. It seems to occur more often these days. I'm honestly hesitant and afraid to log in because of this. Please fix this issue as well.
  18. kevinyoki2

    Pending Update: Build

    Have they addressed the issue where a player logs off happily with tons of great gear only to log in the next day respawning at the beach with absolutely no gear? This bug has existed from when I first started playing but it seems to occur much more often now. On any server. I'm honestly afraid to log in and play for fear of the glitch.
  19. kevinyoki2

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Honestly. I'm tired of this shit. This happens once daily for me. And you can guess it just happened a few minutes ago as well. I gather all my gear so meticulously and tediously only to lose it all the next time I log in. Not exaggerating, this happens to 20% of the servers I join. I have to cross my fingers every time. I hop servers sometimes to avoid lag (which is another issue in itself), and even on my favorite servers this happens. I'm officially quitting this poor excuse of a game until all of these countless game-breaking glitches are repaired (the tents and vehicles too. what a joke. no wonder everyone dm's) which is probably not for a long while as their efforts are now diverted to developing the standalone game. I feel like a total sucker for buying arma just for dayz, and believe me I am. Don't get me wrong this game was fun when I was actually playing with my friends and not staring at the loading screen, but when it daily takes away the fruits of hours of scavenging, I feel compelled to flip my shit by the fifth time I spawn dead in a week. I've lost all patience. I know this game's in alpha but at least have some functionality that's promised in the damn game description. by the way I did not have a ghillie suit Also the funny thing is that all of my deaths in the past week are due to this issue. It's almost like it's a feature of the game, having a chance to spawn dead for added difficulty. Besides all the other absolutely ridiculous ways to kill yourself with menial tasks like opening a gate, standing on a rock, or walking around in narrow spaces. Actually getting shot and killed seems so alien to me now. The objective of this game should be: "see how long you can survive until you randomly lose all your shit. then start over."