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DogZ (DayZ)

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Everything posted by DogZ (DayZ)

  1. DogZ (DayZ)

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Hahaha... I lol at the admin who think they'll be getting special favor just because they hosted a server. Thanks God this isn't turning into one of those Call of Duty servers where you have 10,000 different rules for each servers... (No shooting, no using this, no using that, crouch only!) The game is in Alpha mode, and there's a lot of people who wants to play. If you're not willing to let people play in your server and instead only allowing your clanmate in, then you might as well leave and stay the fuck out. You owning a server doesn't mean shit, nor does it mean that all of the sudden you're a God and dictate how everyone should play the game, especially considering how one game play from the server can affect the gameplay of another server. The only rules you have is the one Rocket decide for you considering it is "HIS" mod you're playing, and no one owes you anything.
  2. DogZ (DayZ)


    Won't really be practical, and I doubt most people would survive long enough to craft an item in this game, especially a wheel chair, when they could just find the nearest loot for Morphine to restore their leg. I can imagine people making a stretcher or carrying their buddies during a Zombie Apocalypse, but sitting around and creating wheelchair isn't one of them.
  3. DogZ (DayZ)


    I wonder if people ever think or use common sense before suggesting an idea. Train needs power source, Zombie Apocalypse = Lacks of one No one working at the power plant = No Power No Power = No train While it would be nice to hear a working train whistling in the mod, it makes completely no freaking sense as to how they would even exist during a Zombie Apocalypse, or why would anyone even consider in riding one especially how loud it would be.
  4. DogZ (DayZ)

    Allow stmovement!

    I agree. If it means losing realism over practicality, then so be it. I feel like a fat ass fucking elephant trying to make my way through a door because the game wouldn't recognize my proper position. It's really annoying. If this was implemented in the next patch, you will hear dozen of fireworks going around from the players.
  5. DogZ (DayZ)

    You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

    I'm unsure about this one, considering how Zombies are suppose to be dead so they don't have any nerves telling them to stop or slow down, or to become tired. Then again, I love going town to town luring 100 zombies around me and building up an army of Zombies just so I can bring them to Elecktro and have them kill every bandits on sight. Sometime I even feel like a hero for doing so. I do agree with the fact that Zombies shouldn't be able to climb up staircase, or be able to swim. I mean, that's just "too" intelligent for a creature that is suppose to be dumb and dead.
  6. DogZ (DayZ)

    Small Suggestion - Church

    I agree, and from most YouTube video I've seen on this game, their reactions were the same. That bell should definitely attracts Zombies to the place, considering how loud it is. This could be a good thing for someone wishing to get out of town, or a bad thing for someone that is currently holding up inside a church. It creates a more dynamic gameplay.
  7. DogZ (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    I don't see how non-lethal weapon would fit in this game, both by storyline reasoning and gameplay reason, well beside a trap which anyone with a survivor skill could make. If given a choice between carrying a deadly firearm and a non-lethal weapon, which would you rather choose especially when you have to carry it with you at all time in any situation? I think the answer is already obvious, considering this is suppose to be a Survivor Simulator, not a law abiding citizen sim. The idea sounds nice on paper, but I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to carry a non-lethal with them as their primary or secondary weapon especially seeing how it's easy to die in this game.
  8. DogZ (DayZ)

    1.58 lag

    Yes this update is lagging like a bitch in heat. I'm not sure what ever new things they implemented were causing the lag, but I had no problem playing the previous version. It's really hard to play this game when your character is walking in slow motion and you can't turn around to view your surrounding quick enough, or be able to point your weapon right away at the zombies that are charging at you.
  9. Well he obviously the good kind. Because he said it like the way he meant it. After all this is a Suggestion thread, not please don't make up a suggestion because we can't handle it due to not having enough staff members and game developers for the mod project thread. And yes those whatever white messages that kept popping up on the screen is annoying and unnecessary irritating. But if it can't be fixed right now because it's part of ARMA II core then say it rather than berating people for giving out a good idea that the majority of the people in the community will agree on.