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Everything posted by EboPinecones

  1. Go and download Day Z commander, they have a option to download Lingor Island and connect to serves that host Lingor Island
  2. EboPinecones

    DayZ Commander Arma 2 Update trouble

    Oh, Commander whoops. What i did was there isdelte the Beta file but dont install it manually. Let Da yZ Commander do everything. Delete the Beta folder then just open up commander and update Day Z and ARMA
  3. EboPinecones

    DayZ Commander Arma 2 Update trouble

    mine did the same thing, are you using Six or COmmander to launch Day Z?
  4. i started playing this game like you, looking to find someone to give me a hand or just to see that there are still people across this place. i was Sniped, right through the head while i was running from zombies. Then my friend risked his life t osave my life. i was low on blood and food so he ran to get me some. He came across a man who didnt just take his stuff but shot him in the legs and left him to die. im now hesitant to say hi to people or let my friends out of my sight, i think now ill shoot anyone who is armed on sight
  5. Hey Im new to Day Z and ive found myself in a bit of trouble. ALot of trouble. Im about to be killed. This means im about to respawn for the first time and was wondering if anyone wanted to group up?
  6. EboPinecones

    New to Day Z and need friends

    Steam name Is EboPinecones
  7. EboPinecones

    New to Day Z and need friends

    Yeah, i think i need one to show me the ropes
  8. EboPinecones

    Lone wolf seeks buddy

    Im new at Day Z but im looking for a mentor or a friend to show me the ropes, if thats what youre looking for then message me haha
  9. EboPinecones

    New to Day Z and need friends

    Never mind got killed by some Sniper haha
  10. EboPinecones

    New to Day Z and need friends

    Im not sure if im ment to tell people where i am but im going to get killed anyways, im at the main town starting with Ch
  11. EboPinecones

    Looking for more members.

    Oh and im trapped on a roof haha
  12. EboPinecones

    Looking for more members.

    Im new to Day Z and i dont have a mic but im sure if you would let me be a part of your group i could be of value