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Everything posted by hawken

  1. hawken

    What to do once you got the gear?

    Look for people who look for gear
  2. hawken

    Bandit video's help

    Well, back in the day when i was using WMM, i used to apply two effects to the video, one where it zooms into the top right cornern and then the second where it zooms into the lower left corner. You should get Sony Vegas though, quick and easy to learn and much better.
  3. Ask for help, then kill them
  4. Yes there should, but they should very very hard to acquire.
  5. hawken


    The only hacked item i saw was the G36 SD, the rest is legit bro
  6. hawken

    Awesome Loot

    I have had everything in the game, but my favorite is the M249 SAW<3
  7. hawken

    Beyond disgusting FPS fix?

    Video memory should be set to Default
  8. hawken

    Loaded Bandit Camp Coords!

    Yeah, how do you know they are bandits? What makes you say that?
  9. hawken

    Weapons you want in DayZ?

    M110 SD, and oh my god thank you for saying "sniper RIFLE". Hats off to you sir!
  10. hawken

    What is the worth of an AKM?

    Half a tin can
  11. * DayZ UI Debug option is not working properlly (no debug indicator at the moment). deal-with-it.jpg
  12. hawken

    Starter weapon

    lol, spawn with an akm would cause suchs a large firefight
  13. Don't make a game, ever
  14. If you are a sniper, try to understand what the word sniper means. Save the m16
  15. hawken

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Grouped up with a guy that shoot up all my mags, so i then found an M1014 and when he saw that i had it i ran away, i felt like shane
  16. hawken

    Why Kill on Sight?

    For defence
  17. hawken

    aimbot or uber skills?

    Lucky shot?
  18. hawken

    Which weapon should I keep?

    Im rolling with the m24, more of a challenge compared to the AS50
  19. hawken

    Heli Crash FAQ

    They can spawn north of berenzino
  20. hawken

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    Military offroad!
  21. hawken

    NWAF: Sniping spots?

    The bushes next to the runway
  22. hawken

    They re-added the bandit skin?

    Yes, since you have it