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Everything posted by hawken

  1. Maximum 3 players, you get kicked for joining. I dont know if they are tweaking server settings but i highly doubt that. Players on server right now: Shafoll, Sarnos, Spiele I was kicked when only Shafoll and Sarnos were playing
  2. hawken


    This is like window shopping to bandits
  3. hawken

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    my friend says M9, jesus chirst
  4. hawken

    Maps are weird...

    It has to do with the servers diffuculty setting..
  5. hawken

    The fun I had with Lee

    Yeah got 13 kills with it when respawning its amazing
  6. hawken

    Most intense firefight of my life

    I was mostly scared from you, but props to them for staying in!
  7. 17 Murders in a little more than 1 hour :D
  8. hawken

    Database reset?

    So me and my friend died to a immortal hacker today. So we went to elektro to gear up, and decided to kill people from far with the enfield 13 kills later i log out. Now when im joining servers i spawn at the beach. I find this very odd because the server i played on was not using a diffrent database, so i wonder if there has been some kind of a rollback/reset?
  9. hawken

    Database reset?

    Hmm, just logged back on and i spawned with my stuff but with 1 less murder, got 17 now though glad it works now!
  10. hawken

    -Vg- clan hackers?

    Check the loot table, it's there.
  11. hawken

    Hacker or lucky find?

    The gear is legit
  12. No problems with this update!
  13. hawken

    How to fight campers?

    M67 frag grenade
  14. No, why would that be good?
  15. hawken

    What to do with exploited gear

    What kind of weapons did you find? :D
  16. hawken

    What's your best sniper spot?

    Why on earth would i tell you my overwatch spots?
  17. hawken

    Russian mafia pew pew

    What loadout did you use for this :D
  18. hawken

    Mk48 mod 0 VS 4 idiots in a jeep.

    You can find the mk48 at crashed heli sites, i have found 3 mk48's dont like em :p
  19. hawken

    Guns in action

    Just threw out my barret and L85A2 AWS, and picked up M4A3 CCO and a DMR with lots of ammo!
  20. hawken

    L85A2 AWS

    You find the AWS at crashed helis
  21. hawken

    How well geared are you?

    @Comrade Sniper That comes with the new arma2 beta patch
  22. I always stay in the bushes and kill people sneaking around the tents, its so fun!
  23. hawken


    I have 8 mags for it right now, just walkaround places where helis usally spawn and loot them.