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Everything posted by hawken

  1. hawken


    Dude, the PDW can take M9, M9SD, PDW, G17, MP5, MP5SD mags
  2. hawken

    NL36 looking for regular players

    What do you mean with ghosting? All i know about that is from cs 1.6, to have one i spec and tell team1 where team2 is moving
  3. hawken

    Looking to start up a small base.

    Dude what's your problem? You are bumping 30 minutes apart, just wait for people. maybe nobody want to team up with you
  4. hawken

    Lost everything in my tent!

    If it says rearm you have for example an M4 and there are stanags in the ATV
  5. hawken

    Lost everything in my tent!

    Someone stole it.
  6. hawken

    Farming like a boss!

    People in this community just gets more stupid every day. Done this too man, didint find one stinking m24 :(
  7. hawken

    So criticism not allowed here?

    I play arma 2 ace mor than dayz
  8. Grass dissappear at a distance so you see him very clearly, but if someone is near you looking for you in hte grass it can be quite hard. Sometimes when my squad regroup after i have given overwatch, they sometimes run right past me!
  9. hawken

    Random Tents

    Tents are placed by players only
  10. hawken

    Snipers in Dayz

    1. Get a gun, any gun 2. Do not go to electro and straight up the hill 3. Go around the hill 4. Wait untill a sniper fires 5. Kill him It's not that hard
  11. hawken

    Shot. Down. Disconnect. Why?

    Probably panic
  12. hawken

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Whats the problem with you all? Nice kills man! Although next time id like to se you kill them on a veteran server :) (people on the forums can get quite upset if you don't)
  13. hawken

    Highest Kill Count?

    No shit this is not cod? damn i hate people like you, the game is about survival and to survive some decide to kill people to get food/gear. There is nothing wrong with that. In a real apocaypse do you think people will walk around and share shit? no they would will for it just like we do in dayz. Get out of here with your cod crap!!
  14. hawken

    What happens when a server restarts

    Name of server, admin and the location where he was? :D
  15. hawken

    G36 Camo SD

    Hacked, if you guys wonder just check the loot sheet: http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html Never use it for too long you will get banned, drop it on the spot.
  16. If you wipe inventory you would punish legit players.
  17. hawken

    Car chase of a red car in DayZ

    Why did you add a wireframed cod4 sniper spining in 3D? wtf?
  18. hawken

    The Best Bandits

    How do you know wich one is the best?
  19. No, every one is wiped out. Not a single one is left.
  20. hawken

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Don't tell me what to shoot with my AS50
  21. hawken

    DayZ care package???

    Hacked ammobox, if you use those guns, you will get banned.
  22. hawken

    Military Tactical Group

    Sorry, here you go: http://www.survivaloperations.net/
  23. hawken

    Military Tactical Group

    Check out SOMC lead by DevilDogGamer