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Everything posted by hawken

  1. hawken

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    Since the game is about survival i shoot to avoid being shot
  2. hawken

    u guis r suk at deyzee

  3. Nobody is going to take you seriously with caps bro, had the same prob just relogged untill it fixed it. But that was way back
  4. Because they are good at the game and know how to get it
  5. I have a new one now, L85 AWS and M24 with the m1911 as backup. Feels more balanced
  6. hawken


    Depends on the loot he has, and if he is helping my enemy.
  7. Snipers calling sniper rifles "Snipers" yuck
  8. hawken

    Swedish players? Where's my vikings at?

    Om ni blir ett gäng håll till på norway 11 så kanske vi stöter ihopp och får en rolig firefight :)
  9. hawken

    Script restriction #125 means what?

    I like the part where he said "i dont know how to cheat in games but i had it to hack other game's" lol
  10. hawken

    Regarding the Bandit skin

    Tried to act like nice survivor for the first time in a very very long time. Met a guy and 2 min later when i turned my back on him he shot me, i shot his legs and outflanked him and killed him. Back to hunting players!
  11. hawken

    Im new, and curious about this mod.

    Yes, at the state this game is in, you will only find it boring with all the hackers. Wait for standalone to get the real experience so you dont judge dayz for what it is now.
  12. hawken

    AS50 or M16 CCO SD?

    A m16 CCO SD is hacked, but i assume you mean the m4a3 cco SD. It depends on your playstyle, since im a sniper i always choose sniper rifles over AR's
  13. hawken

    Waste of $30 and some time

    I bet you never even played arma II
  14. hawken

    How many Ghillies have you found?/When?

    Many, in one tent i once found 9
  15. omg fuck this community guy gets bashed for making a thread about his favourite gun
  16. hawken

    Back after 2-3 months.

    Buddy, you have now idea..
  17. hawken

    Military Flashlights.

    And i thougt i knew everything
  18. No kamenka is the best spawn, easy to get up north and to find camps to the west
  19. hawken

    Item "duping" & "dupers".

    Well done, this will stop the duping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. hawken

    Lack of Loot? 95777.

    Just lost all of the tents in our camp, yay
  21. hawken

    Trading satchel charges for weapons.

    Just a heads up, the only silenced AR in the game is the M4A3 CCO SD. other guns is hacked
  22. hawken

    Trading satchel charges for weapons.

    You can kill people that you are supposed to trade with
  23. hawken

    firing range practice

    Watch tutorials about the editor, you can create custom missions with enemys so you can practise firefights