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Morgoth (DayZ)

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About Morgoth (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Hey! I would love to join you guys, hopefully you also have your own server (roleplay) so it will actually be possible to kidnapp people and such, I hate KoS and people who do it, but anyway here is some information. Name: Ivar Age: 20 (19/05/1993) Played since: Release day of Alpha (no idea when I started playing the mod) Active: everyday (4+) hours Contact: ivar_martinussen (skype) (or msg me here) Location: Norway, CET +1. But can play US servers without problems. Additional informattion: Streamer I go under the name Gamingzombi3 and I've been mainly streaming Infestation: Survivor Stories, but I guess I'll go over to stream DayZ Standalone. I also got skype, Ts3, Vetrilo, whatever program you use. Yours Zombi3
  2. - Username/Handle: Morgoth - Age: 19/05/1993 - 19 - Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Tired of running alone in the forest/ city getting shot down, wanna get into a more serious group of people and get something done. - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily *basis?: 3-6 - Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes - Do you have a microphone?: Yes - Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Yes, during it and after. - Anything else you would like to add?: Know how to use my gun
  3. Morgoth (DayZ)

    Looking for home server! :3

    Well you could try Survival Teamwork Against Ruthless Zombies... its Roleplay-ish, located in EU, got stable 12+ players on a regular basis, got created 2 days ago, you are welcome to join :) Search: DE 2928
  4. Morgoth (DayZ)

    DayZ FIRST Roleplay server! Come join us now!

    This is DayZ Hive :)
  5. Morgoth (DayZ)

    DayZ FIRST Roleplay server! Come join us now!

    Sounds interesting, why dont you add me on skype. Ivar_martinussen from Norway. or if you have TS I could join you on that.
  6. DayZ First Roleplay server! Come join us now! You are just Doomed to have fun with us! We are located in the EU, just recently started, stable 10 players at normal, but increasing as we speak. Do not shoot on sight, act as you are the character you controll. Highly Recommended with microphone. Higly recommended 16+ We got active staff, soon getting a teamspeak server up and running. How to find the server you might ask? Simply search up in DayZ Commander one of the following keywords: DE 2928 S.T.A.R.Z Roleplay Teamwork Ruthless Zombies
  7. Morgoth (DayZ)

    looking to start small bandit squad!

    You could join our, " S.T.A.R.Z - Survivor Teamwork Against Ruthless Zombies. We are active, mature, got mics, and all 18+, could use a partner in the server (aka a co-owner) :) add me on skype: Ivar_martinussen from norway
  8. Morgoth (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big thanks to Westyn, and Fameus for rescuing me from certain death. Hard to explain how happy I am atm :) <3