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About HairyLemons

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  1. HairyLemons

    bandit fun in elektro (save murrika)

    A real bandit takes on players that are a challenge not someone who grabs hacked shit and kills unarmed civilians.
  2. HairyLemons

    M4A3 CCO Camo for DMR

    Yep ive got an AS50 and another DMR in my truck so this one is my spare one. I need a good assault rifle so i can start doing some more close quarters combat so much more intense and fun. All though i will never give up sniping.
  3. HairyLemons

    M4A3 CCO Camo for DMR

    Ive got a DMR with 4 mags. PM me to arrange time ad location. I can only play on NZ and Australian servers becuase other wise my ping is to high. Im in NZ and i can play in time bettween 9pm and 4 am my time (flexible if those times dont work)
  4. HairyLemons

    Vehicle Trade NZ Servers Only

    Im willing to trade ANYTHING for a vehicle on one of the NZ servers. I would prefer some sort of off road but any vehicle will do except a push bike. I will trade anything ive got a camp full of legit stuff. AS50's L85's M4CCOSD's DMR's M24's NVG's GPS's Antibiotics Cyote Backpacks Mountain Dew Nearly Everything and if i dont have it i can probably get it. I wont just trade 1 item you can have full inventories of stuff. Multiple inventories even. ALL THE STUFF IS LEGIT me and my squad have spent a long time collecting all this stuff. Just PM me or leave a comment to organise a time. The Vehicle must be on NZ servers. Would be help full if you had Teamspeak.
  5. HairyLemons

    Vehicle Trade NZ Servers Only

    Im willing to trade ANYTHING for a vehicle on one of the NZ servers. I would prefer some sort of off road but any vehicle will do except a push bike. I will trade anything ive got a camp full of legit stuff. AS50's L85's M4CCOSD's DMR's M24's NVG's GPS's Antibiotics Cyote Backpacks Mountain Dew Nearly Everything and if i dont have it i can probably get it. I wont just trade 1 item you can have full inventories of stuff. Multiple inventories even. ALL THE STUFF IS LEGIT me and my squad have spent a long time collecting all this stuff. Just PM me or leave a comment to organise a time. The Vehicle must be on NZ servers. Would be help full if you had Teamspeak.
  6. HairyLemons

    Funny Hackers

    I had just grabbed a Remington, g17 and a assault pack when hackers teleported me to them and told me to entertain them and if I did a good job they would give me an ammo box so I ended up singing baa baa black sheep over direct coms to like 10 hackers. Then they gave me a minute to take what I wanted and then they teleported me back to we're I was. All I took was ammo and food/drink.
  7. HairyLemons

    My Day On The Coast [NZ 22]

    BTW i never kill new spawns with no gear or shit gear
  8. Hi well i had just been killed by a sniper lost all my stuff. I respawned in Komorovo instantly sprinted for balota. After a bit of loting i found some bandages, food and a AK74 COBRA with 6 mags of course i took it. Then i continuted to loot the hangers. A AKM mag that could come in handy.I continue down to were the industrial buildings are on the air field because i know there is one military spawn there and low and behold an AKM i grab that and drop my COBRA. Now i need a bigger backback so i head to cherno in the hope to find one (ussaly would not go there but it was night so i risked it). I enter the city and hear gunshots by the supermarket. I instantly go prone and check my flanks before slowly continueing. Once i clear the super market finding an alice and a map i head towards the church were the gunshots moved to. I then see a ghilled guy with a MK48 Mod 0 run into the pub. So i follow setting my zeroing for 100 meters so not to shoot to high. I clear the botom floor and by now i am sure he knows that i am here. I come to the conclusion that he is waiting for me at the top of the stairs so i slowly sneak up backwards so i can see over the lip off the stairs and there he is. He open fires but is a shit shot a quick burst from my AKM puts him down(Harry was his name thanks for not ALT F4ing). I then become a bandit witch deletes my brad new backpack and all my AKM mags but that does not matter i take his MK48 with 4 mags (YAH) and his compass, gps etc but he does not have NVG so i am a little sad but oh well. He only has the defualt backpack as well now ( i assumed that it was becuase he put on the ghille and did not drop his pack first). I go back to the super market were i remember seeing a Czetch back pack. I grab that and now decide with all that gunfire i better get out of cherno so i run past the apartments towards the north tree line then start getting shot at with an AS50 i run in a zigzag pattern to try and not get shot luckly he misses. I then dicide not to go and flank him but to get out instead i dont want to risk lossing my gun. I head back to the Balota Airfield and am running up to the first hanger when a guy runs past me ghilled with a L85 and nvgs. I open fire takeing him out(dont remember his name but thanks dude for not ALTF4ing) i loot him SCORE range finder, L85AWS, Cyote backpack, AS50 (YAH sniping is so fun),Range finders grab his gear and drop my MK48. Instead of getting out i become cocky and decide to check the hangers for ammo. As soon as i turn to enter them i get shot in the back with a DMR. FUCK. Well i respawned in cherno (luckly) and know that the guy cant of looted everything so i run back and then prone all the way down the airfield to were the guy i killed was and pick my MK 48 back up and a map and stff i did not take before becuase i had them then i got out my MK 48 and went to check my body all he left was my NVG, GPS, Compass, some food and water, med supplies(bandages,morphine),Rangefinders and the Cyote Backpack. I scold my self for being so cocky and lossing the L85 and the AS50 but oh well there will be others. I then decide that it is getting late (about 3 am IRL now) and that i should log when a guy runs past me with a alice and a AKM so i pop out put him down and grap his revolver and then log off. Thanks for reading. Leave your feedback and your storys below. :) NOTE: I DO NOT KILL FRESH SPAWNS OR NOOBS WITH SHIT GEAR AND I DO NOT CAMP ELEKTRO OR CHERNO I AM HEADING STRAIGHT UP NORTH.
  9. HairyLemons

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    Defanitly take your time and don't go near any big cities like electro of cherno if you can't not aggrieved zombies. Spawn in and just run inland to small villages with good loot. BTW it's not that hard to get a gun even a makarov can one shot a zombie if you have good aim and the ammo is so common. So just take it quietly and carefully. Dude a hatchet is SOOOO easy to find we're ever you spawn you are like a 10 min run max from a place with will have a hatchet or a gun.
  10. HairyLemons

    Trading AS50

    I can give you an l85aws or a m4a1 cco sd or both?? PM me
  11. HairyLemons

    TRADE: M107, Mk48, FN FAL

    I've got 2 m107's you can have with like 10 mags. I would like the Bizon or the tent. PM me
  13. HairyLemons

    [Small Trade]

    I've got nvgs I will trade
  14. HairyLemons

    [Small Trade]

    I've hot nvgs I will trade
  15. HairyLemons

    [Trade] Anyone want a Bear Trap

    No i dont but i could easily get one.