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Everything posted by Kophka

  1. Kophka

    Just a thought, More Food

    Those are some pretty neat suggestions, I'd have to back all of them except for the VSS. I'd hate to see the noob slayage that would go on with that thing in game. And yes, we definitely need the Vodnik. :)
  2. Kophka


    Average survival time : 30 minutes. Playing this game is a death sentence for your character, why's smoking gotta add a negative effect? :D Also, you can find cigarettes laying around as background items around the game (even by the hospital), so there's a model of them somewhere. Might be used to clear pain shakes or panic attacks from close zombie encounters.
  3. Kophka

    Weapon of choice: pros and cons

    I prefer the m1911 for my pistol. Ammo is plentiful, lots of power on tap. My primary weapon of choice is either an m14 AIM, or a Remington 870. I'm a big fan of .308, especially against hostile humans. It never fails to do the job in 2 shots at most. Same reasoning for the shotgun, and it's better against zombies to boot. When I don't have ammo for either of those, a trusty (noisy) ol' bolt action does a terrific job of knocking targets down, and keeping them there.
  4. Kophka

    What's Your Survival "Workflow?"

    I've felt the temptation to play to win a few times, but it really ruins the fun. The most fun way to play this game is to be scared and cautious all the time, and react to other people how you think you would in a real scenario. :)
  5. Kophka

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Has anyone heard the chanting priests of Lopatino? Scared the living crap out of me, I can tell you. My story goes : one night, I was hanging around Lopatino waiting for some friends to come pick me up in the UAZ. As I sat there outside the church, I watched a pair of zombie priests spawn and begin wandering around. It was a quiet night at home, so I was completely immersed in the game, and watching this pair of undead holy men walking around was a profoundly unnerving experience. With thoughts of how they deserved better dancing in my head, I used a flare to lure one of the shamblers to a large tree, then quietly shot him the forhead, and buried his body beneath the branches. As I buried the body, the bell of the Lopatino church rang. I didn't think anything of it, having heard the bells in Cherno ringing from time to time, so got ready to draw the second priest out of his path and beneath the burying tree. Again, I lured the priest to the tree, and shot him in the forehead. This time the bell rang twice as I approached to bury him. A little creepy, but alright, right? I received word over TS that my friends were approaching, and that I should meet them east of town, near some garages. As I passed through the churchyard and close to the building, I began to hear something. Thinking it was coming over TS, I derided my friend over his choice of driving music, to which I got a confused reply. I back-tracked to where I heard it the strongest, and began to listen. It sounded like chanting. Never having heard an Orthodox Christian chant before, I was still in no confusion as to what I was hearing. I stood there, listening to it, and suddenly the bell began to toll. I snapped out of it and went to meet my friends, but the experience stayed with me for the rest of the night. I haven't told anyone about it until now, and haven't been back to Lopatino to check it out. If anyone does, let me know what it sounds like to you, will you?
  6. Depending on spawn location, I can be armed with a fully automatic military grade weapon within 10 minutes. If I end up in a bad spawn location, it can take me 15 minutes to find a weapon. Once you know the map, you've already reached end-game. Can't wait for beta! :)
  7. Kophka

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    It's not so much as to what their armies are armed with, but what are their civilians going to be armed with? What's going to be available to the average homeowner/hunter/firearm buff (if anything). We all hit the airfield bases over and over right now, but if the loot respawn mechanic wasn't in, and deerstands didn't spawn elite gear instead of hunting gear, what would we be finding in houses and barns?
  8. Kophka

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    Great post OP, bringing all the "more Russian weapons" points together like this. In my opinion, this game would benefit from a reduction in military grade hardware, and replacing it with civilian weapons, like old Mosins, sks rifles, svt 40's, saiga rifles and shotguns, and of course the amazing new Veprs (http://www.classicfirearms.com/long-guns?manufacturer=104). If the game stays in an ex-soviet bloc area as the locale, using local firearms will really add to the immersion.
  9. Kophka

    Battleship in a field!

    This game is sunk :( .
  10. While we're griping about starting gear, what kind of survivor has pain killers and a bandage, but no compass, watch, or firestarter. One who completely failed survival 101, surely.
  11. Kophka

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    I've only got one unprovoked murder on my conscience. I had just spawned in near Kamenka on a new life, and decided to hit the two deerstands that were just north of town along the paved road. I land nav my way blindly to the first one, and climb up. To my dismay, it's completely empty. I visit the second one, and find it's empty as well. "Ok," I think to myself, "items aren't spawning here, I'll go back to town." I head back south into Kamenka, and find a revolver and 2 speed loaders in the lootable house there. I make my way back to deer stand No. 1, and once again it's completely empty, no items at all. I back up a ways, and wait for it to spawn some items. I lay down up hill a bit, so I can see into the deer stand, while it spawns items. After about 3 minutes, I have to go get my daughter something to drink, so I go afk for a bit. I come back, and there is a guy getting ready to climb the ladder to MY deer stand. I peer into the stand, and see a rifle of some sort. I look at this guy getting ready to take MY rifle, and notice that he doesn't have a rifle either, just a pack and a pistol. He latches onto the ladder, and about half way up, he eats 3 .45 caliber rounds from my pistol. I shoot the aggroed zombies, climb up the ladder, and score an m14 AIM and 3 mags. I also take the nameless victims Alice pack and map/compass/knife.
  12. The devs are most likely going to have to deputize some full-time people just to keep an eye on what people are doing with their servers. There are literally hundreds of "farming" servers with low Maximum Players and all sorts of weird carebear rules going on. Sad days.
  13. Kophka

    dear server hopping bandit

    Right on bro. You seem upset that he sounds upset. Need to talk about it bro?
  14. Kophka

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase Studio ran servers (so many private farming servers right now) Studio developed with close heed paid to player feedback. Kickstarter with maybe a purchase discount to donators when game goes live.
  15. Kophka

    A week Playing as a Non-combatant Medic.

    I applaud your idea, and wish you luck. As a token of good faith, I will advise you that US 83 TX7 still has side chat. Maybe we'll see you there. :D
  16. Just a quick check getting peoples opinion on this. Every time you load up the server screen, you see a TON of servers with maximum populations of 5, 10, 15, or even 25 people. What is going on here? Are these private farming servers for some clan or group? I understand that not everyone can afford a 40-50 person server every month, I totally get that. But these small farming servers are just way too exploitable. If they aren't legal, how the heck do they get whitelisted? This is an opinion thread, so flame away, defend away, be pissed off, w/e. In my opinion, no server with under 30 MAXIMUM population should be able to connect to the main data base at all. Preventative measures can go a long way. :)
  17. A guy name OB is kicking everyone off this server today too. No admin message, no server message, just "you were kicked off the game", and the player list goes back to just OB and some guy named Luerkh. This has happened 5 times in the past 15 minutes. Server is Seattle 77, time is 4:45 pm CDT. EDIT : It's been going on for 20 minutes now, he's kicking everyone that joins except for himself, Luerkh, and some guy named Ryan that was supposed to get in vent according to the chat.