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About Castingcouch

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, me and my group of friends are looking for 1 or 2 more people to join us on Breakingpoint/DayZ/Wasteland There are 4 of us total that have been playing for about a year together. But recently it has gotten to the point where only maybe 3 of us are on at a time. So we are looking for someone to come and join us. We are tight and don't play with any other people. We play on multiple servers. We play KoS we usually prefer to just roll up and crush people with overwhelming firepower but we can also play the ambush game. We are looking for someone to join our group for the longterm Don't be brand new to the game Know how to follow directions Play a few times a week at least. Send me a PM here to get my steam name or skype or whatever.
  2. Currently looking for a bandit or 2 to join my current group of 3. A little about us: Our ages range from 23-30. We have been playing together since July. We do not camp. usually play 5-6 nights a week and sometimes during the day. use Mumble. We usually play on a Taviana map or a death match Fallujah map. (but are open to others, just haven't found a lot of good servers) We are all East coast. If you have any other questions please feel free to message me on the forums. Hoping to go into the SA with a nice 5-6 man group. Thanks
  3. Been playing Dayz for about 2 months. I tend to play a lot. and I can play pretty much anytime that would be needed. I am east coast but I I usually stay up till 3am. So any Timezone should not be an issue. I have exp using just about every gun in the game. I am looking for people who like to mess around and have fun but at the same time can be serious when we are in combat. I would like to play with people who can mess around but I do not want to play with people who just run around and shoot randomly and give away position etc etc... Add me on Skype Holyishard If you want to chat